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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-28 17:22:04 Muse (10) My newest work on this site is going to be posted every two days. It is called ~Honeysuckle; so search for that, or click on my name up there at the top.
2011-07-31 04:24:55 ~Honeysuckle, pt.2 Part 3 will be posted on Monday, I'm writing these daily for my own enjoyment while working on something else more like Muse in the background.
2011-08-01 09:47:20 ~Honeysuckle, pt.2 Well, having said that; there is now publishing interest in this story and as such I cannot continue to post it here. My apologies. It looks as though the more Muse-like thing I was working on in the backround will have to be what I post here instead.

Look for "{s}mall", starting with part 1 later today
2011-08-04 11:12:47 || {s}mall 1 of 6 || I'm glad some enjoyed.
2011-08-07 10:39:37 || {s}mall 2 of 6 || That will become clearer as the story progresses. None of these are the main character; the mall is the main character of the story.