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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-24 23:32:16 Muse (7) Be at ease, invisible but but well voiced masses. LOL. I put up one part a day which usually consists of anywhere from 15 to 20 pages of the manuscript. I don't intend to leave any of it out or stop short of completion. You have my word on that.

And how can I make people wait? Because I'm a fucking tease, and sometimes anticipation makes the wine all the more sweet.
2011-07-24 23:48:18 Muse (7) Be at ease, invisible but but well voiced masses. LOL. I put up one part a day which usually consists of anywhere from 15 to 20 pages of the manuscript. I don't intend to leave any of it out or stop short of completion. You have my word on that.

And how can I make people wait? Because I'm a fucking tease, and sometimes anticipation makes the wine all the more sweet.
2011-07-26 09:44:02 Muse (8) I'm querying something right now, but it isn't this. I guess you'll just have to cntrl-c cntrl-v the whole thing into word and print out your own bootleg manuscript. ;)
2011-07-27 07:34:37 Muse (4) No need to feel like a fuckwit. In one way or another all of these things have happened to *someone* out there. I may have had someone die on me, but it didn't happen like this at all. It's just easier to write about life if you've lived one.

If you stood my life next to any of the characters in this story they would all seem distinctly dissimilar. If you want to write like this you just have to watch *everything* happening to *everyone* around you; stories far better than this are told every second right beside us.
2011-07-27 17:31:54 Muse (9) "Seems like this stroy only get better as it goes along.... damn I wanna fuck my gf so badly"

The last half of this comment is the best praise I have ever received. Wherever she is, and whatever she is doing, please go and do that. Just like everyone else clawing against what life hands us as we grasp for something pure, you've both earned it. Go fuck her right now and smile while you do it.