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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-22 13:03:49 Welt ~ 10 Last chapters don't have to be long, and they don't have to end happily. Even "Happy For Now" doesn't cut it sometimes. See you in the next one.
2011-08-22 13:23:20 Welt ~ 10 I forgot the closing track!

h t t p : / / y o u t u . b e / t l d _ W r H d K 4 w
2011-08-24 20:56:52 Welt ~ 3 To the comment below this one:
That's swell of you to do that for me. The internet is full of such helpful and knowledgable people. I'm glad for your comment.

No, not even that. I Google translated it as well. I don't even speak Latin. So unless you're using a different Google Translate than me...thanks for coming out champ.
2011-08-24 22:37:33 Welt ~ 3 What I mean by the comment I posted below this one is; put the english phrases into Google Translate and you will get exactly what I typed here in the story; that's how I arrived at it to begin with

It's funny that you could use Google Translate to correct a Google Translation.
2011-08-25 00:25:42 Vice (3) Well, I've either pissed someone and their friends off or a group of Enochian scholars have found my work and are out to get me for stealing names from the Book of Enoch.

Either way, ratings are for the insecure. I'm glad everyone else enjoys. :)