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Comments from Minus Three

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-11 03:10:20 Muse (10) It's my pleasure, seven. I write for people who like to read, not for ratings or comliments.

But the compliments are still nice :)

Funny story; Muse is rated really high, all 10 parts, and I think that if readers knew Aliona was basically ageless from the first chapter many of them would have clicked the little blue negative button long ago. LOL
2011-08-11 05:49:48 Welt ~ 3 Painting one scene with words is the same as painting another. Fear not for my sanity (or your own).

Avrielle has a hard job. She's not a cherub, she's...something else. You needed to know that for her to truly make sense, and now you do. Pathos achieved.

Don't worry though; it's a beautiful story, it just has a really dark start. Notice how now it's bright and sunny and smells like cotton candy in here again? Want some gum?

2011-08-12 14:12:41 Welt ~ 3 What does Minus Three stand for? It stands to remind me constantly of the three things I lost that ever meant anything to me. One left, one was taken, and the other I gave away.
2011-08-15 14:52:12 Welt ~ 5 People who read my stuff are probably not surprised to learn that almost everything I write is inspired in some way by music. Beyond that, I'm fascinated by the ability for anyone to align anything with their own internal moral compass, regardless of external impetus.

As to the music though, like with Muse I'll put some links at the beginning of the next chapter of this to the types of trackcs that inspired Welt (and especially the one the basically invented Avrielle in my imagination as I listened to it for the eleven thousandth time).

Thanks again to those that like Welt, Muse, and the world they take place in!
2011-08-15 14:53:44 Welt ~ 4 I don't believe in slowing down. If anything, I'm speeding up. So keep reading and I'll keep writing. Actually; I'll keep doing that anyways. I'm just happy some people like what I do.