Tossitin's Stories | xHamster

Hello to you horny, naughty sexy followers ♥️

Hello to you horny, naughty sexy followers ♥️ A new little homemade amateur movie clip from chubby me (of course without filter, self-tanning, botox and silicone) ☺️ is uploaded and on its way, - waiting for approval from xHamster ☺️ Don't have big expectations, as it's a bit poor quality and a bit of a mix, but I hope you like it anyway ♥️… Read more

Posted by My76 6 months ago 12

A small dream of watching

I am more of a voyeur than an exhibitionist, my biggest dream is to get to watch people have sex, to be placed quietly in a corner, observing them while they fuck. I picture a couple, my age, maybe younger, maybe older. I have no preferences for gender, but I picture the active part groping the other one, talking about how much I might like what I see, "don’t you enjoy knowing someone gets to see you when you’re like this, naked and desperate?" I wouldn’t want to be involved, just want to look, more or less fully dressed, I have no intention of being a peep show in the corner, would rather be… Read more

Posted by Frkanonym 3 years ago 3

Spring dreams

It's inching towards spring, even as far north as I live. The snow is melting and my desire to wear low cut tops is increasing. My chest gets chilly, being exposed, so mostly my cleavage is hid behind a warming shawl or scarf. But I know my tits are there, ready to make themselves known if I remove it, or bend forward. Not that I go about flashing anyone, but I might, if a suitable situation presented itself. I'm low level turned on a lot of the time, especially if the sun shines and the weather is nice. I try to pinpoint what it is I desire, but it's hard. It isn't necessarily sex, I find, w… Read more

Posted by Frkanonym 1 year ago 8