A small dream of watching

A small dream of watching

I am more of a voyeur than an exhibitionist, my biggest dream is to get to watch people have sex, to be placed quietly in a corner, observing them while they fuck. I picture a couple, my age, maybe younger, maybe older. I have no preferences for gender, but I picture the active part groping the other one, talking about how much I might like what I see, "don’t you enjoy knowing someone gets to see you when you’re like this, naked and desperate?" I wouldn’t want to be involved, just want to look, more or less fully dressed, I have no intention of being a peep show in the corner, would rather be a hidden observer (but of course consent is required, so hiding is off the table).

I want to watch a couple who want to show off for me, who want me to be looking at them. Nothing more, I am not there for it to become a threesome, I want to be an observer, for someone(s) who like(s) being seen. Watched. I want to hear the sounds they make, the little moans and sighs. Maybe I can take pictures for them, if they want, or film. I hope they would get off on being watched, that they enjoy having a willing audience, that it adds a level of performance that is exciting.

We can start with meeting somewhere neutral, maybe a glass of wine in a bar, friendly, chatting, getting to know one another, talking about mostly innocent things, but with this undercurrent of everyone knowing what will be happening soon, maybe they’ll touch each other a bit more than usual, small signs of public affection, they’ll show off for me a little. And then we move on, to their place or a hotel room, somewhere private. Maybe another glass of wine when we get there, not getting drunk (what a waste that would be!), just loosening up a little, losing the nerves.

I picture maybe the man, groping the woman a little (as mentioned gender is irrelevant, I just want to watch), being a bit frisky, and she lets him, looks at him, maybe they kiss, and then she smiles at me, acknowledging that I’m there, that it’s fine, she likes being watched, she wants this. I picture him undressing her, she ends up mostly naked, he looks at me, grins, I say "you’re so beautiful, gorgeous, I love your nipples, your breasts, your belly" and as I mention each part he touches them, kisses them, and maybe she has her eyes closed, or maybe she looks at me, wants to see the look in my eye that confirms that I mean it, she is beautiful and I’m grateful to get to see them, to watch, I hope it makes her feel powerful to be watched in that way, to know how much I appreciate the opportunity, cherish the moment.

Afterwards, I can leave, smile at them sated in bed, thank them. Or maybe I can stay, cuddle a little, we can enjoy the aftermath together – I have only watched men masturbate for me, but when they come, I feel like I came too, I’m satisfied in that bone deep way that an orgasm brings. I don’t want to masturbate myself then and there, I want to enjoy the moment, and then maybe later I will, maybe I’ll use it in my future fantasies, but in general, the getting to watch is in and of itself a complete sexual act to me, I’m not looking to get fucked afterwards, just maybe some post-sex cuddles.
Published by Frkanonym
3 years ago
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Really good story. All my compliments.  I wish you could do this watching me and my wife . 