Jerkofaddict's Stories | xHamster

My Porn Journey - Part One - Beginnings

I wanted to share a blog with everyone, describing my journey from a casual porn observer, to a total porn junkie and everything in between. This will be a series of blogs as and when i get time to write them. Hope you enjoy. As long as i can remember i have always been fascinated by sex and porn. I remember as a young k** once catching the briefest of sex scenes in a movie once late one night and the image is burned into my brain forever. I can remember it now, although i have no idea what the movie was. But this made a huge impression on me. After that as a very young teenager i would buy… Read more

Posted by dp-lover 9 years ago 6

First visit to a porn shop - a dying trend

I posted this in response to another blog post, but i wanted to share it here too and get other people's thoughts and experiences. i can still remember buying my first porn VHS (it was a Private compilation video i only got because it had Sylvia Saint on the cover) and the thrill of getting home and pressing play for the first time and my dick getting hard before the opening credits in anticipation of what was to come. Whilst the internet has helped me become even more of a porn addict and opened my eyes up to the world of porn and helped my tastes evolve to where they are today, i ca… Read more

Posted by dp-lover 9 years ago 27

My porn journey - from curiosity to addiction

I've been inspired by dp-lover's blog post to write my own post from when I discovered porn to becoming a chronic masturbator and porn addict. Check out dp-lover's here: Just like dp-lover, I was always fascinated by sex and porn. In my early teens there was always exposure to innocent things on TV which raised curiosity (mild things like a female TV presenter in a bikini, for example Catriona Rowntree...Fellow Aussies will know who I am talking about). I remember from time to time wanking over the lingerie sections of the d… Read more

Posted by aussiepornaddict 8 years ago 57

My Risky wanks 2

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Posted by rogerrabbit1000 8 years ago

My Risky wanks 1

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Posted by rogerrabbit1000 8 years ago

Tube Train

Tube Train I had to go to London to sign some documents; Dec’s wanted me to drive but I thought it would be better to go by train. I arrived at Victoria but needed a tube to patch me through to Upminster. The tube train was packed full of hot commuters crammed in like sardines, I could smell the musky aroma of sweat, aftershave and perfume. There was a problem with the signals and it was lurching its way slowly down the line, stopping frequently between stations. I had my eyes shut and was listening… Read more

Posted by amateur_julie 13 years ago 78

My Blog Read About Me

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Posted by just-drew 12 years ago

Fun With Bisexual Couple

Some years back I shared an office with a middle aged professional woman and over time, we formed a bond. She described herself as a former teenage "wallflower" who did not begin to live any sort of an exciting life until she went away to college - and began fucking any man who showed an interest in her pussy. She was quite candid about her exploits in college and despite her being married and being my officemate, I developed quite an emotional attachment to Cathy. Every once and a while we would go out after work and unwind with an after work drink. One night in a bar close to our office we w… Read more

Posted by JTuck 4 years ago 103

the young man in the dressing room

I was in the mall buying some new jeans and a swim suit. I had just finished trying on the 2nd swimsuit when i saw a shadow at the base of the dressing room stall. They had a one foot gap at the bottom. I figured someone was curious so I sat on the bench and played with my cock as i stared at the bottom of the stall. I saw it again and a bunch of blond hair was hanging down. I then saw an eye. It was a younger man. I continued to stroke it and as the other eye appeared, I smiled and stroked. Then he reached under. I knelt down and he was stroking my cock. he was almost lying in my stall. he w… Read more

Posted by dusty48180 9 years ago 11

movie restroom encounter

My wife and I took my nephew to the movie theater yesterday. I needed to use the restroom and left them in their seats. I went into the stall and proceeded to relieve myself. I was minding my own business when I saw a foot under the stall tapping. The shoes looked rather new style Nike's and rather small. I got curious and leaned over to see a pair of gorgeous slim legs, and continued to lean over until I saw a long cock and low hanging nuts being jacked by a smaller sized hand. I must have been noticed, because the young man dropped to his knees and slid under the stall. I immediately took th… Read more

Posted by dusty48180 9 years ago 19

understall at meijers

I like to stop at several restrooms to check out possible action. 2 near my home are at JC Penney's and Meijer's. I walked into Meijer's one day and went to the restroom. I went into the first stall and immediately to my right are the urinals. with a mirror one can see if anyone peeing is worthy of a blowjob. I didn't spot any and the stall next to me is the only other stall. Nobody was in it when I came in. I was ready to leave when in walked a younger k**. His shoes and designer sweats were the only clue to his age. He dropped his sweats upon entering the stall next to me. I was almost ready… Read more

Posted by dusty48180 11 years ago 6

hired help for the wife

I got a job that has been keeping me out of town too much lately and my wife and I finally decided we needed to find some extra help. I posted one of those tear off adds in the corner store and the first day we got several hits. it read..{ young strong man to help out with yard work and general cleanup.) The first guy was on disability. I didn't need that. The second one was too young, 14. The third k** was 17 and he looked like he could carry some boxes easily. I showed him around and he was anxious to work. I started him right away. He was real keen on using the pool and spa after he d… Read more

Posted by dusty48180 7 years ago 25

Love my step daughter( updated 1/31/21

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Posted by pumpher45 6 years ago

Első kutyás élményem

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Posted by elvezunk1et 4 years ago

A Mamival és a Nagynénémmel

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Posted by elvezunk1et 4 years ago

Szülinapi vibrátor

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Posted by elvezunk1et 4 years ago

Testvéri segítség

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Posted by elvezunk1et 4 years ago

A húgom, a kutyánk, és én

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Posted by elvezunk1et 4 years ago


Nice post. I was a good Mormon girl till 13. That's when I went to my non-Mormon Uncle's for Thanksgiving. We were all farmers in Hermiston Oregon. Before the big meal I went outside to play with my Cousins. They always made fun of me and our Mormon ways. After looking for 20min I found my Cousins in my Uncle's big work shop. As I peeked through the shop door I saw them looking at magazines. They were all giddy and whispering. Then my Aunt yelled for them to help with getting the table ready. They quickly put the magazines in a tool box and ran to the house. You know what killed the cat ri… Read more

Posted by amy8amy 9 years ago 28

why I like porn

I always loved porn. I loved finding hidden magazines of my father and brother. I remember a wonderful OUI that my brother had. It was a forbidden and secret world. It made my cock hard. What a wonderful thing. Jerking off was great. I loved doing it. Now, I don't jerk off to porn. So why do I still like it? It is still a forbidden and mysterious realm that I can visit. I have a great lady that gives me all the sexual attention I need, but i still love to visit the realm of women that I will never touch. It makes me hornier for my partner and that is a wonderful thing. So it i… Read more

Posted by noanalsvp 10 years ago 4

Finally my Ex mother in-law

I had to stop by my Ex mother in-laws house to get some tools that someone borrowed to sand and paint her kitchen. My wife at the time lived in the basement of her house. She has been my Ex Mother for over 13 years now and from what my ex wife said hasn't had sex in 10 years. Seen her nude in the bathroom a few times getting out of the shower in my mid 20's and she always walked around in a worn out thin house coat that if the lighting was right you could see her outlined shadowed body. This constantly drove me crazy and I would go down in the basement and fuck the hell out of my wife. The las… Read more

Posted by blj46906 10 years ago

Mirror under the door trick when I was

I remember the first time I had cum. Must have been about 8 and then couldn't cum enough. I found magazines in my grand parents basement from the 60s and 70s then I needed more. I took my moms 2 inch by 3 inch rectangle compact mirror and discovered I could hold it under the bathroom door and watch her shower,shave her legs and trim her bush. She was a dancer weighing 118 lbs and fit. The sight of her trimmed 80s bush and breast hanging down always made me cum. While she showered I would snoop around her bed. She had a king size wood bed frame with mirror canopy above it and drawers on both si… Read more

Posted by blj46906 7 years ago 3


Sziasztok! 2021.06. hó-ban szeretnénk én és a párom meginvitálni benneteket egy kis swinger mulatságra.A szállás és étel/ital része már megoldott, amire szükségünk van, nem más mint vállalkozó kedvü résztvevők. Tisztában vagyunk vele hogy hölgyek jelentkezésére nem sok esély van, amennyiben a létszám ezen része nem oldódik meg, hát megoldjuk mi! Maximum 10 férfira és 3 nőre van szükségünk. A jelentkezőktöl azt kérjük hogy legyenek nyitottak és minnél perverzebbek, azon a napon szeretnénk minden résztvevő vágyait kielégiteni. HA ZAVAR A BISZEXUALITÁS AKKOR EBBŐL A KÖRBÖL MOST KIMARADSZ. Pers… Read more

Posted by dakaro12 3 years ago 9


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Posted by dakaro12 4 years ago

Napi fantázia! 2

Egyszerre végzek minden alkalommal ezzel az istennővel a fittnes teremben. Az a tipusú lány akit minden férfi megnéz, én mint nő is megnézem! Tökéletes az alakja, lapos has, kemény pici cici, kerek formás feszes popsi. Sport melltartóban van mindig amin az öltözöbe lépve azonnal átüt a mellbimbója, illete egy feszes kis shortban ami bevág a tökéletesen kerek popsijába. Mindig ezzel kezdi, kibontja a haját és elkezdi kipakolni a sporttáskáját. Ilyenkor feszül a popsiján a nadrág és látszik mennyire izzadt. Minden alkalommal arra maszturbálok az öltözö zuhanyzójában hogy ilyenkor mögé gugolok me… Read more

Posted by dakarina 4 years ago 1

Napi fantázia!

Teljesen mesztelenül ülök egy szobában, széttett lábakkal és a mellbimbóimmal játszok egészen addig amig elnem kezd nedvesedni a puncim majd azt is finoman simogatni kezdem. Körülöttem legalább 20 pasi a farkával játszadozva próbálja felállitani. Már 2 ujjam magamba csúszott ők pedig egyre keményebbek ahogy néznek és hallják ahogy cuppog a pinám. Végre az egyik előre lép és a lábaim közé térdel. A puncimba furja az arcát és keményen nyalni kezd. becsukom a szemem és élvezem. Ahogy nyögdécselek hallom hogy körbe vesznek. Egy egy félig kemény farok kerül a kezeim közé és elkezdek velük játszadoz… Read more

Posted by dakarina 4 years ago 2

Napi fantázia 4

A férjem pórázon az ágyhoz kötözve térdel én bedig bevezetem kézenfogva a hálóba azt a hatalmas farkú fekete fiút. A férjem mellé térdelek és megcsokolom, majd a fiú alsójához nyúlok és lehuzom azt. Előtárul az a hatalmas félig kemény fekete fasz. Azonnal megragadom és a férjem arcához közelitek vele. - Kostold meg! Ő gondolkodás nélkül tátja a száját és nyeli tövig ahogy egy jó szolgához illik. A hajaba túrok és lerántom a faszról. - Elég lesz na! Feküdj szépen a földre és nyald a puncim amig én játszok! Ismét engedelmes… Read more

Posted by dakarina 4 years ago 3

Stroke Diary 11/08 - 11/24

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Posted by Wanksday 3 years ago

Stroke Diary 11/27 (Fapmaterial From A Long Chat)

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Posted by Wanksday 3 years ago


Nem rég olvastam , és annyira részeltessen levan írva hogy nagyon felizgultam én is . Az elején ejtenék pár szót magamról. 40 éves építészmérnök vagyok, a feleségem a lányom szülése közben meghalt, tehát egyedül nevelem a lányom. Mivel elég jó állásom van sosem kellett nélkülöznünk semmiben. Szép nagy kertesházunk van medencével, egy Budapest közeli nyugis kis faluban, és mindenünk megvan amiről régen csak álmodtam (nyaraló a velencei tónál, Szép új autó... stb. ). Ez a történet akkoriban kezdődött mikor a kislányom (Dominika) a 13. életévét készült betölteni (jelenleg 16) és rendkívül s… Read more

Posted by pantia68 7 years ago 10