XavierTejas's profile | xHamster
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Last seen 11 years ago
Porn Expert
4329 days on xHamster
11K profile views
72 subscribers
482 comments left
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We are:
Male and female couple, heterosexual
Gulf Coast, Texas, United States
English, Spanish
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Yo también soy una puta 
nice profile
Just a comment on your galleries - Are there any women at all, that you do not consider as " putas " ?
Thanks for adding me, love the hairy pussy vids
Thanks for adding me
Happy Holidays my friend,hope you come back soon...this place needs some levity and anarchy
Hallo buddy !
You have a great latin beauty material in the pics section.
Congrats !!!
GREAT pix collection, like your taste
No problem! Sending good vibes your way. :smile:
funny vids...Ron means rum,as long as he doesn't to claim to be "rico" it's truth in advertising
you mean...Kitty Foxx wasn't her real name? faith is shattered,i thought porn ans wrestling were both thing you'll tell me that Hogan's parents didn't name him Hulk because they were big fans of the comic book...or Captain Beefheart wasn't really in the military...oh,the humanity! many other porn stars are out there slinking in the shadows under false names?
Kitty Foxx (real name Alice J. Hergett), perhaps the most popular ‘older’ porn star ever has died. She died in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 21, 2006 at the age of 64. ( six years after her death, & very little people know that she past away. )
don't know if it has any "special" properties however
Ron Jeremy now has his own Rum, Ron De Jeremy...the Adult rum
thanks for the Kitty Foxx info,yes i had heard a few years back that she had shuffled off this mortal coil,and her kids are apparently as embarassed by her "activities" as Bob Crane's were...except for the one that had a website showing his blurry videos for a the old saying goes "you can pick your nose,but you can't pick your relatives"
Thanks for your comment:smile:
Thank you for the comment on Kitty Fox.
thanks that u liked that pic
Thanks for your comments compadre, enjoy that!!
Picture #7 in my Pits gallery is like a family portrait! I had a female pit-mix that looked exactly like that & a female black cat, too!! But my cat was fully grown, not a kitten!
Thanks for the add. Your pics and videos had me stroking my cock like mad.
Sorry it took so long to respond to your ? Sulka gave an interview back in the mid to late 90's as part of a retrospective on Kim Christy. I can't remember the name of the vid but that's as recent as I can remember. Check out the rest of my pix and vids and HAPPY WANKING!
thanks for the love on my page. we love your content as well. it should be noted my wife is half white half mexican :smile:
glad you didn't leave X,there's plenty of folks fed up with what Spiro Agnew used to call the nattering nabobs of negativity,best to MYOB and hang with cool folks,maybe throw the ocassional jab at the usual crew of intellectualy challenged trolls and just have fun,it's what this is SUPPOSED to be about...later amigo
Thanks for the invite. :smile:
Welcome Back Kotter
Greetings, you're welcome; enjoy my favorites.
Ephelides describes a freckle which is flat and light brown or red and fades with reduction of sun exposure. Ephelides are more common in those with light complexions, although they are found on people with a variety of skin tones. The regular use of sunblock can inhibit their development.

Liver spots (also known as sun spots and lentigines) are freckles that may not fade in the winter. Rather, they form after years of exposure to the sun. Lentigines are more common in older people.
Recap, they say the 1960's was the Sexual Revolution , but the 1980's PORN Had it's revolution with opening up different Avenues & Fetishes. 1980's also intruded the Razer & Nair to the pussy. Original to make the girl look younger & show more of the pussy. Fetish after Fetish opened up, now fat girls had a name BBW, Younger/Older themes, BD/SM even opened to be mainstream, etc, etc....

Phone Sex & VHS Porn Movies Ad's is what littered the pages of your favorite Spank Magazine (remember the sticky pages, I wish I could of told my Pre-K teacher," Hey I know how to make a Human Glue for paper"). VCR & toilet paper and add you favorite movie, you have a masturbation fest. Porn Exploited & turned into a "Phoenix" .

(it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again.)

Porn went from cement roads to a Supper Freeway with muilti-lanes Highway of what it is today. Porn never knew that Digital would kill Paper Porn & VHS/CD movies. But like the Phoenix, it died, but was reborn in a different formate.

1990's introduced the Digital Image & Internet that would change the access of porn, & it's new multi flavors. 1998 I think was the last time I bought a magazine, after that I could find anything I wanted at the move of a mouse & keyboard. Digital, gave porn a larger audience. For the Super Shy people who put two paper bags over the sex toy they bought at the Boutique so no can see; no they were able to view what there hard desired, in discretion.

2000 The turn of the century brought photo-shop, & Doctored up porn. So even Grandma could look like a Vanessa Del Rio, & Grandpa like John Holmes. We were able to see what it could look like if the Queen Mum was being Shagged Pope. Look what we have here today. A web page of Porn, Picture, Stories,Movies, & Live Cams. i still remember high school days of Jacking off to scammed Cable Porn channels, trying to get that right distorted view of soft-core fucking & sucking.

Now porn is what you & I do & film in our bedrooms & playrooms. Enjoy yourself. And Bust a Nut & enjoy the " O ".