Translady54's Stories | xHamster

My youngest lover

My youngest lover Hello everyone, in this post I would like to publish an interesting story about how I met and had a pleasant and beautiful experience with my then youngest lover. It was about 12 and a half years ago, at the suggestion of a good friend, I heard about the site, for which he told me that this is completely free and has people to meet from all over the world, also there are a lot of people from our space. And so I bravely opened my first trans profile, uploaded a picture and left basic information about myself. And I didn't have to wait long, the first t… Read more

Posted by translady54 1 year ago 4

An unexpected meeting with a real straight man

Hello everyone, I want to share with you an interesting and completely unexpected experience of my first intimate experience with a real straight man. It was a misdirected call to my cell phone one spring evening about 10 years ago. I answered, the person on the other end had a real deep male voice, and I have something more feminine...but mostly he understood that I was not the woman he was looking for, but...obviously, from his side, it was about meeting for an intimate prolongation that failed him. He apologized for the wrong call and asked me with whom he had the honor. I don't know how, b… Read more

Posted by translady54 1 year ago 6