Swedish_horny_slut's Stories | xHamster

OMG 10.000 friends!

Today I accepted friend number 10.000!!! Thank you TVfucker for adding me! And thanks to all my friends, of course! Kisses and hugs from yours truly ;)… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 6 years ago

My absence

Well, bad news, I'm afraid. Because of reasons, I'm not sure if I'll be able to upload new content. Too bad for you (haha!), but perhaps worse for me. We'll see, hopefully thing will improve in the near future... but no promises. xoxo… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 7 years ago 29

Health issues...

... are at the moment keeping us from making new vids. Not anything dangerous, but it affects our "business", unfortunately. So be patient... we try to be... xxx… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 15

My way into the world of BDSM

I'm gonna tell ya'll a bit more about me practising BDSM, inspired by a question from one of my xh-friends. First of all: my assumption is that you know what BDSM is. Otherwise you have to google it, because that is such a big topic, it would take to much space from this post! I lost my virginity pretty late – I was 19 years old. After that, I never had sex with another man until I broke up with my ”first”, almost 20 years later. We had a ”vanilla” relationship. He didn't like porn, and he didn't like it when I dressed in sexy lingerie. Once, I made a big effort and dressed in linger… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 10

I have to pinch myself

Sometimes when I read your comments I have to pinch myself... it's really crazy that I have this profile, showing all this intimate and dirty stuff for all of you, sitting all over the world, doing what not when you watch our vids and pics. It's hard to grasp you think I'm sexy and hot. An ordinary day I'm wearing jeans and sneakers, and seldom wear make up. Which is like the opposite of what you can see here on xHamster...!!! And I go to work and I meet my friends and family... no one knows about the stuff me and my boyfriend does, no one knows about the extreme material I post online...!… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 45

In sickness and in health...

I know many of you are waiting for new vids... Unfortunately I got the flu or something... so dirty perverted sex had to be postponed :O… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 19

How to get blocked. FYI.

This "man" states that "weak" women block him, and that there are a lot of "annoying" women on xH. Well, if that's the case, I'm happily both weak and annoying... BAM! Swedish_horny_slut bye bye - read the profile info next time, idiot 2 minutes ago ***** i hate when ignor me slut 3 minutes ago Swedish_horny_slut you wanna get blocked, you fucking retard idiot??! 5 minutes ago ***** i speak to you fucking slut 1 hour ago ***** hey WELL THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY!!! :))… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 13

BDSM and the Darkness of Life

When I was a teenager I liked to wallow in misery. I liked to read books about horrible things; about people who died or suffered in ways that perhaps made them wish they would die. I read about the concentration camps, anorexia, extreme poverty, p*d*phili*, schizophrenia, abuse, harassment, f*rced marriages, neglected ch*ldr*n and traumatized adults. Fear, v******e, horror, grief, humiliation and pain. Evil. I wallowed in evil. And this is very strange, I think, the fact that I chose to spend so much time in the company of misery. Because it's really, really hard for me to accept evil in… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 10

Praising my Master - the Film Director :)

Sometimes I feel a bit guilty because I get so praised, when my Master in fact does a lot of the work. :) Not only is he a hell of a great lover, fucking me hard and raw the way I love it. He also, obviously, is the one directing our vids. Of course we discuss together what we feel like doing, so there is a vaguely formed "manuscript" on beforehand. But then he places the camera in the different angels, he "directs"/dominates me in an exciting way, and last but absolutely not least, he looks after me so I feel good all the way, not getting overwhelmed by our "play time". (But I take credit… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 8

"Female Choice" - OMG this made my day!

When posting a vid on xHamster, one gets to choose five different categories to tag the video with. I usually choose Swedish, Amateurs, Anal (since we always do anal!), BDSM and perhaps Squirting or something else. Now I just discovered that "Fucked in my slutty holes" was tagged with two additional categories: Top Rated and Female Choice. I just looooove to hit the Top Rated lists in my categories, and also the over all top ratings, of course...!! Because I'm an exhibitionist, needless to say,perhaps...! :))) But I'm really happy to be tagged "Female Choice"!!! Sometimes I get com… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 23

What's with the thumb down?!

I've been curious for a while now... I get a lot of "thumb up" on my vids and pics - and I really like that...! *purrs like a kitten* <3 <3 <3 But there are always someones that feel compelled to click "thumb down". Like - why? Really, why is that called for? And I obviously only get a few, but I often see other person's vids that get a big percentage of thumbs down. Like - why?! If you don't like it, just move on, nothing to see for you here! :))) Well, this is how xHamster is constructed, so it's not so strange I guess. And I absolutely shouldn't complain since my stuff is so appreciat… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 26

Thanks for your complimenting and horny comments!

As I already announced a bunch of times, I don't answer a lot of mail, due to reasons and different causes... But I obviously appreciate your "fan" mail, and as the exhibitionist I am, I really love all the horny compliments I get! Kisses xxx and love <3 from truly yours ;)… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 5

Thanks for your suggestions for video topics!

Keep them suggestions coming! I'm making a list, a compilation of ideas for my Master, we'll see what He/we can make of it...! :P… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 8 years ago 1

What would you like to see?

Would be interesting to know if you have ideas for our upcoming vids? Please share your thoughts! ;)… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 9 years ago 47

I answer very few of my mails... sorry!!!

I get a lot of mail, and I have to confess this is a constant bad conscience of mine... I am so happy and flattered that you like the profile,, and would like to answer you all. But it's too overwhelming, I get all stressed out over it... :/ So I ask for your understanding, and instead I focus on the pics and vids, enjoy! ;)… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 9 years ago 4

and all my comments...?!

xHamster apparently erased all my comments, too... not to mention that all my answers in ongoing mail conversations are gone (red marked as SPAM). fuck, I'm a bit fed up with them right now, I have to say. once again, the reason they closed my account was because I linked to another site. they eventually re-opened my profile, but all the blog posts, all the photos, all the "out box" stuff and all my comments are gone. I dont want to brag (hahahhaaaaa!) but if I had a porn site, I'd like a woman like myself to be a member, sorry for being cheeky ;)… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 9 years ago 6

oh no my pics...

all my pics are gone... fuck :///… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 9 years ago 4

Jeez, Im back!

They deleted all my blog posts, but still! :))) The only one I really miss is anal sex for dummies :P… Read more

Posted by Swedish_horny_slut 9 years ago 7