Sharkhyzz's Stories | xHamster

Договорились о встрече и сходила

Всем привет ! Недавно познакомилась на сайте с интересным мужчиной :) договорились о встрече ..... в общение обменялись предпочтениями, он рассказывал как хочет меня во все отверстия, отшлепать и даже между грудей поиметь При переписке я не особо обратила внимание ( не тем местом думала) что он меня называет коровой и дыркой а мои груди выменем.... по фотографиям член у него не самый большой и я в общем то даже не волновалась .... а зря Я опущу всю лирическую часть ..... по приходу к нему домой мне было приказано раздеться( именно приказано) руки мои оказались связанны за спиной ...… Read more

Posted by Lara_80_80 6 years ago 8

Ask Me Anything. Get the Truth.

OK, fuckers. Ask the Queen anything in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer. No rules, no safe words, no mercy.… Read more

Posted by Truth-Talker 2 years ago 163

My ultimate fantasy

was born a failure, a worthless piece of shit. I do not deserve the "normal" life I live, the soft bed I sleep in and the food I eat. The desire to be owned by a Superion Male, Female or Group. No way out, no way back. I am looking for a life with a Dominant Male, Female or Group who wants a toilet slut to perform the most humiliating tasks. I will learn to find intense pleasure in knowing my personal boundries are completely ignored. I will learn to take pleasure from being subjected to cruel and degrading treatment without my consent. As a submissive toilet and **** hole I understand that my… Read more

Posted by tim2005 3 years ago 9


Новата съседка в малката ни кооперация беше загадка за всички.Ту се появяваше,ту изчезваше – понякога с дни,друг път със седмици.Когато се засичахме винаги свеждаше очи,обръщаше глава и бързаше да се прибере в жилището си. Един следобед,докато отваряше пощенската си кутия забелязах,че този път не беше с обичайните си черни чорапи и веднага се наби на очи нашарените и от удари празци.Попитах я дали някой не я е бил( за мен бе очевидно,че беше бита и то с точно отмерени удари) и има ли нужда от помощ.Тя се усмихна и каза,че наистина има нужда от приятел ,за да сподели.Поканих я да изпием по… Read more

Posted by Mastera45 7 years ago


MASTER HELD SLAVE HOSTAGE Dear sirs. Thank you for all the messages wondering where I have been the last month. I am flattered how many of you out there that cares about a filthy slave like me. Let me tell you whats happened. As you all know I am a cum addict and also have a deep need to serve masters whenever I am needed, but due to the covid19 circumstances that has not happened for a long time. So now when things opened up here, I opened up too. To go without cum eating, piss drinking, boot licking and a good beating for such a long time has really been a struggle for me. A slave needs t… Read more

Posted by Bootskinhead 2 years ago 52

Chain Bondage, With Kejala on March 3,01,2013

I did not think that chains could hold me down to the pint I could not move. I was so wrong. Kejala used 2 chains, 4 Cuff,9 locks and my collar. Me on his bed nude. kejala started out kind of easy with nipple clamps. Its was ok till he locked them, Then it hurt so bad. So He leveled out the pain. He used clothes pins on my inner thigh. Omg It hurt so bad as they were on. Omega Rooster gave kejala An Idea about hitting the pins off one by one. One of the worst pains I have felt besides canes. He had to watch my breathing to make sure I was ok. I want to say after 1 pin he decided to duct tap… Read more

Posted by VampGirl09 11 years ago

15 Ways To Use Me - CrazyBitch1971

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Posted by crazybitch71 6 years ago