Patriciasxtc's Stories | xHamster

To all my friends and future friends.

I do love to hear from all of you. I don't get on here enough so it is hard to reply in a timely manner. I have a web site that I am working on besides I am currently traveling. It makes it hard to get on this web site along with the others like PH. I wish I had more time in the day. How do I approve friend request?? not sure how that works again. any help. I am currently working on my web site for my fans. As soon as is ready for business I will be posting pix and vids here. I just need to add my logo on them. As for my web site. It is more fun then business. I cr… Read more

Posted by patriciasxtc 9 years ago 8

I am looking for guys that will be in my Las Vegas

I am looking for guys that will be in my Gang Bang in Las Vegas on Aug. 25th I will be in town for one night on August 25th (Monday) to meet men for a sex photo and video shoot for my web site at This is your chance to be a porn star yourself. If you do not want your face shown you will only be filmed from the waist down. If you want to be seen then that is cool as well. Just let my photographer know. The Gang Bang will either be in my hotel or at an Adult Theater that I have an arrangement with. It all depends on the number of guys who will help me out. I wil… Read more

Posted by patriciasxtc 9 years ago 8