OrgasmExplorer's Stories | xHamster

Do the women use an "edging" technique?

It's easy to see that men know this and use this. It's enough to search for it here on xH. But it seems to be only a "male business". Do women really never do this? To my knowledge orgasms, both male and female ones, don't differ that much. There are similar behavior patterns, feelings and so on. So, why men use edging, and women seem to not use it? Or, even if they do, it's nowhere to be found on film (contrary to the male edging, which can be found easily)? The same applies to so called "ruined orgasm". Also, only men seem to get some pleasure from it... but female orgasm can be ruined a… Read more

Posted by OrgasmExplorer 11 years ago 7

Sex Inquiry for Women -3- orgasm

**** Recently I got the suggestions, that some girls would be willing to answer it, but not publicly. If so, YOU ALWAYS MAY SEND ME SUCH A REQUEST AND WE'LL DO IT by Private Messages. I may later publish it as "anonymous user", or to not publish at all, as you wish. Part 3 - Orgasm 37) How many orgasms did you have the most on one occasion? (or per night or day)? 38) Ever had a multiple orgasm? 39) Do you squirt? 40) Do you have clitorial or vaginal orgasms? Which ones are easier to reach? 41) Do they give different feelings? Which one is better for you? 42) Are you able to… Read more

Posted by OrgasmExplorer 11 years ago 5

Sex Inquiry for Women -2- masturbation & sex

Part 2A - Masturbation (skip if you don't masturbate) **** Recently I got the suggestions, that some girls would be willing to answer it, but not publicly. If so, YOU ALWAYS MAY SEND ME SUCH A REQUEST AND WE'LL DO IT by Private Messages. I may later publish it as "anonymous user", or to not publish at all, as you wish. 16) At what age did you masturbate first time? Where it happened? (e.g. your room, bathroom, school) 17) How often do you masturbate? 18) Ever masturbated to the orgasm at work or in public? Where? (e.g. park, forest, tram) 19) Do you prefer masturbation / sex?… Read more

Posted by OrgasmExplorer 11 years ago 7

Sex Inquiry for Women -1- social behavior :)

Sex Inquiry for women - 40+ questions you'd never wanted to be asked on the street ;) [Questions xH forgot to ask you in signup questionnaire ;P] Another experiment - let's see if it works. Such a inquiry I've already seen on one of our sex-forums. It was submitted by one user as one of the topics, and was highly succesful among that forum's folk.(Many girls answered to the questions, but some of them, even being a long time registered users - that time weren't courageous enough, and used common anonymous profiles :D) Initially it was much shorter, but later more users produced o… Read more

Posted by OrgasmExplorer 11 years ago 5

Size doesn't matter?

Originally I didn't want to make a blog or post anything more on my profile than usual basics. I never was a blogger. But, as it's usually - the further you go, the more you see. And I see here some next possibilities to explore. (My nick requires me to pursue the truth ;) Actually as I'm not treating my whole presence here very seriously, rather as a some experiment, I think I may sometimes afford to do something silly, moronic or .. right experimental. Maybe ask some question? What question would be asked on an ero-portal as first one, and preferably targeted to women? I think it's obvious… Read more

Posted by OrgasmExplorer 11 years ago 7