DancingPony's Stories | xHamster

"Asian Pleasure" (Chapter 2).

Razza & myself were on our knees snogging the faces off each other,Razza teasing my ass,fingers now playing with my rosebud,I feel down the front of his boxers,slight dampness,infact quite wet from pre cum & what a size that cock was,he pulled his poloshirt off,Wooooow,what a body.i mean,I'm 5'8",good body on me,Razza 6'1"-6'2",fantastic looking & really fit body & I know he has a massive cock on him & I want it. I push him back,he straightens his legs out,I have him pinned on his back,looking down at the damp patch on his boxers,I slide back down the bed,my lips straight o… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 8 months ago 12

"Asian Pleasure" (Chapter 1).

Friday the 5th of January,2024. I was so much looking foreward to tonight in Birmingham Gay Village,Bars & Nightclub,i was busy in the stable yard till late,to late really to go into Brum. Went to my cottage,showered,Douched my Hole,usual practice,had myself a sandwich & decided to go to my local bar,"The White Swan", for a few drinks,i slipped on a pink pouched thong,hiding my "lil" cock,(3 inchs-0.75 cm),Erect,pink,croptop teeshirt & a light grey woolen track suit,nice & warm for this cold winters night. Made my way to the pub,ordered a drink & chatting to one of the you… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 8 months ago 7

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 18.

What a Shock............ I decide on Shenley Lane,i,ll cut across the little housing estate,it comes out at the top of "Merrits Hill & The Holloway" junction,just up from from the Jones,s pig farm. I,m just walking across the grassed area in front of the estate,towards "The Holloway",thinking about my birthday,tomorrow,going with George to his friends in "Shirley",when i see this young guy stood at the bus stop,looked,kind of fit,broad shoulders,trim waist,at a distance,only about,18-21 yrs old,dressed,casual,smart,walking about 10 yards away from him,i keep taking a sideways glance at hi… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 1 year ago 11

My holiday in Sri Lanka: June 2021:

What made me write this story about my holiday in Sri Lanka back in June 2021 is a video i watched on GBT,so much like my holiday & the memories had me Cumming in my underpants,"Handsfree",i hope this story does the same for you. ENJOY. I was well pissed off with Covid 19,now we was out of lockdown,everything getting back to normal,air flights to foreign countries again,i decided on a horny holiday in Sri Lanka,on my own. I flew from Birmingham to Heathrow,changed flights to Sri Lanka,arriving in Colombo on the late beautifully warm evening,a long flight after making three stops,a taxi… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 1 year ago 15

Story:(George 14) and me, (Roy 11) Chapter 17.

I was riding up the Holloway,the pony was going on,nice and quiet,my mind was on yesterday evening whilst George and me was having our tea in the kitchen,and mom having hers in the front room,George mentioning to my mom about he was going with his Aunt and Uncle and two cousins on Friday,(My Birthday) (I had forgot to mention this in Chapter 16) to Alton Towers,Amusement Park for the day,he said to my mom,(Which was a complete load of Bullshit). "Asked my Uncle if i could bring a friend,told him it was Roys birthday,he said it was OK if it was OK with Roys parents,possibly stay the night at th… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 1 year ago 10

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 16.

A Night in Georges Arms: I locked the backdoor,pushed George through the backgate into the entry alongside of our house,locked the backgate behind him and hid the key to the backdoor,as i had no pockets in the white shorts i was wearing. I climbed over the gate,dropping down into Georges hands,awaiting to have a hold of my bum,i turn facing him,his lips straight onto mine,one hand around me and onto my ass,the other straight onto my "Lil" cock and balls,my cock virtually hardening at that instant. George Snogs me hard for a few minutes,not bothering about the neighbours or anyone passing by.… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 1 year ago 10

The Story Behind the Video,"My Fantasy Cum Tr

The Story Behind the Video,"My Fantasy Cum True,(Roy). VIDEO>>>> Yes there is a story,this video to be found in,"My Videos",i can,t post the video here in this post as i,m not a Verified member of xhamster. I believe the story starts on a Tuesday evening,(The summer prior to Covid 19)James my Ex Boifriend,myself & 2 of our stable staff,we had had a hard day stacking our Hay & Straw Barns,(Winter feed & bedding) as it was being delivered from a local farmer straight off his fields. All done,James & myelf de… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 9

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 15.

Playtime in the Shower: George having me by my wrist pulling me into the bathroom,he,d just fucked me over the kitchen sink and looking at his,hard,upturned cock,he was up for fucking me again and the way i was feeling,(Oh! so Horny),I was wanting him in me again. George climbed up into the bath,pulling me up and positioning me under the showerhead,George leans foreward,reaching around me and turns the shower on,"Aaaaarrrrrhhhhhhhhh",i let out as the cold water hits my body,i crouch down trying to get away from the cold water,on my knees in the base of the bath i feel the water starting to ge… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 16

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 14.

"George for Tea and Extras. We had finished our evening meal,(Tea),as us Brummies call it,Mom had gone around to her friends,two doors up the Crescent,(Mrs Williams),her husband works permanent night shifts somewhere in the City,their daughter,Phyllis had left home,Married,their son Richard,same age as my brother Ray had joined the RAF,Mrs Williams did,nt like being alone at night,so my mom went and sat with her till about 10.30 pm on the weekday evenings. I had started washing the plates and cutlery up,George stood alongside of me,kissing me, feeling my Bum and teasing my little Cock and B… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 14

Story: (George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 13.

George Comes to Dinner. ------------------------------------- I hung the bridle up in the garden shed,the kitchen door was open,i go in,look around the livingroom,nobody in there,i shout,"Mom,are you about",a reply comes from upstairs,"Up here Roy,just changing the bed clothes,be down in a minute",i get myself a glass of lemonade out of the fridge.Mom comes down the stairs carrying the laundry basket,she takes it out to the shed were the washingmachine is kept,i hear it start up,in its cycle,mom comes back into the kitchen,she makes herself a cup of tea and we,re both sat at the kitchen table,… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 3

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 12.

George,Norman & me. ------------------------------- I was sat with the lads outside the stables office,thinking of George & his mood swing when Les,(Stables Owner) called me,he was walking down the yard Leading this Blue Roan pony that i was helping Les to break it in . It was a Hot,(spirited) little sod,Les said,"Com,n Roy,ride this out in the paddock for a while",it was all tacked up,(Saddle and bridle on),i walk up to it and get straight on it,Les leads it to the paddock whilst i get myself comfortable in the saddle,"Okay Roy",loosing it off,i spend half hour going through the diffe… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 15

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 11.

"Lost in my Thoughts". -------------------------------- Pecking George on his cheek,i said to him,"George please don,t mess around with any of my brother Rays stuff,he will kill me if he sees something is amiss,"I wont",George replied,patting my Bum,"Now get yourself on your bed,Babe,Ass in the air". I virtually dived onto my bed in excitement at the thought of George Fucking me again,i had really enjoyed him Fucking me on the stairs landing,i was so Horny for his Cock in me again my Cock felt Rock Hard,Slapping against my Belly. George,casually walked around the bottom end of my bed,i noticed… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 11

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 10.

Sex On The Stairs Landing. --------------------------------------------- I reached the landing at the top of the stairs,i could feel the heat in my Buns from George slapping them,George was two or three treads behind me. I stopped on the landing,pushing my Ass out and looking back at George,i said,enthusiasticly,"Go for it George",he knew what i meant, two hands,one after the other came crashing down on my Buns,"Ooooooooow", i let out,dancing up and down on the landing,rubbing my Buns,George,laughing said,"Kemco,your a Masochist,you loved that",i did,nt know what he meant,but for some reason i… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 16

Story:(George.14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 9.

Breakfast with George. --------------------------------- I go into the Toilet and do what I have to,then I Douche my Hole just as I did yesterday with George teaching me,until it is just clear water running from my Boihole,then I shower,teasing my Rosebud with a little shower gel,I slip a finger in my Hole,then two,i,m quite enjoying Finger Fucking myself,my Cock,(Not Big but not Small),up Hard,Throbbing against my Belly,my Ballbag,Hard and Tight,(Feels like two Maltesers inside). I stop Playing with myself,climb out of the bath,grab a towel and dry myself off,going from the bathroom,through t… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 2 years ago 5

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 8.

Family Life. I got my bike out of the garden shed,riding up to the stables in California,(UK),thinking about George Fucking me this morning,i had a hard on,i could feel it Throbbing in my pants. Up the yard i gave Les,(The stables owner) a hand breaking a couple of young ponies in,(Backing them),the one almost had me off a couple of times,but we got the job done,they will be out for hire,come the weekend. I got home around seven o clock,had a shower,then sat in my underpants & a pair of shorts & teeshirt,I had my tea,after having my tea i sat watching the television,mom & dad askin… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 5

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 7.

Well George was ready for my Ass now,after all his teasing my Hole,he swung his leg over me,lifting his weight off my shoulders,i went to flatten myself out onto my teeshirt. George,quickly took a hold of me around my Scrotum,giving a gentle squeeze on my,Tight Balls and my Erect Cock,making me take a massive gasp of air and letting out a bit of a Ass,shot back up into the position i was in with George on my shoulders. I then felt Georges Cock stroking,Up and Down over my Hole,head on my arms,i was making little moans and murmuring,"Please George,Please",i felt the pressure of his,Bu… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 8

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 6.

Partway up the field George said,pulling his hand from my underpants & shorts,"Hang on Roy,Bend over",pulling my shorts & pants down off my Ass,"What the Fuck are you doing George,you,re not Fucking me here for everyone to see","Of cause i,m not,Roy,wanna lube your Hole,get you ready,now bend over",which I do,hearing George making grunting & snuffling noises in his nose & in his throat,next he spits,hitting my Boihole bang on centre,rubs his finger in it,i feel it,all slippy & slidey,he slips a finger into my Boihole making me moan,then he said,"Okay,Done,you can stand up n… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 15

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 5.

I ran passed the last house on the lane,looked back,i could,nt see George,"Maybe he,d gone back home". Coming to Honeybournes Farm Shop,they had an apple orchard just a bit further along the lane,thinking,"I,ll go & ask if i can get some windfalls for the horses & ponies,she,s let me have them before",so I go into the little shop. "Hello Mrs Honeybourne,can i have some windfalls for the horses & ponies at the end of the lane",she says," Well hello young Roy & how are you,summer hols now,long time off school,no good for you k**s,to long off school,you get bored then you're getti… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 4

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 4.

Is it Surrender in The Crescents. As I passed George in the garden gateway his hand was on my Ass again,I was quite enjoying this attention to my Ass,"Close the gate George & don,t Slam it",I say in an authoritive voice,as my mother would say to me. My Head in the Air & u*********sly swinging my Butt,I hear George close the gate as I,m walking on down the Crescent. "Wooow!Look at my Baby go,yes Babe,you Swing that Butt,let them all know,you are Proud to be Gay",George shouts,running up behind me. I stop,turn,facing him,"George,Shut the Fuck Up,I,m not Gay & I don,t want you giving… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 7

Story:(George 14) and me,(Roy 11) Chapter 3.

My Douched Boihole. George having eaten his bacon sandwich requests I make him another one,"I,m starving Roy,do me another one please",I reply,"Okay,you sure it,s not an excuse to have another look at my Bum,in any case I,m still hungry,have another one myself". George:"Of course I want another look at that Sweet Ass of yours,my two friends who live in Shirley would Luv to get a hold of your Ass,we could have a great Foursome". Questioning George about his two friends,I get up from my chair & return to the cooker,cooking some more bacon & making two sandwichs for us both,putting Georg… Read more

Posted by DancingPony 3 years ago 6