Misogyny, Trolls, and Xhamster.

Misogyny, Trolls, and Xhamster.

I just read an excellent opinion piece about internet trolling and misogyny. I can testify that I experience this very thing ALL THE TIME, not just here on Xhamster, but elsewhere on the internet whenever I write. If I am not outright sexually harassed (after my argument is totally overlooked) I am talked down to like I'm a fucking c***d. In fact just last week while commenting on CNN, one man asked me if I was "PMSing." On a porn site like this one, I've come to expect degrading remarks and largely ignore them in a majority of cases. But the problem is far more extensive and not confined to porn websites.

Let me make it clear that I've met a lot of terrific men on xhamster. The fact that those men have elected to regard me with respect and on equal grounds, even on a website which by its very nature promotes the objectification of women, demonstrates a level of maturity and kindness I truly do appreciate and admire. On the other hand, I've met some pretty nasty women on here, too, who were actually downright evil, so I am in no way male-bashing in writing this.

I'm not going to rehash everything that was said in the article. I do want to emphasize one major point, however. The author of the article basically asserts that much of the harassment women experience on the internet comes from insecure men whose world view of male superiority is shaken when they come across strong, opinionated women. These men live in a make-believe world in which women were somehow meant or created to serve and please men. As such, when they come across a woman who is superior to them in any way, they often either reason away her remarks, overlook them by sexually objectifying her, or they "politely" interject their superior views to guide the silly, irrational woman back on course. The latter one is what particularly annoys me.

Here is the article in question:
Published by lilith10
11 years ago
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Lilith, I agree that women deserve to be treated with respect and I do.  I would never sexually force myself on a woman or not take her seriously  because she is a woman.  However, when it comes to sex..........lots of women love to have their asses slapped, be called degrading names, be tied up, be slapped.  I have been dumped a few times because I was not kinky enough or just could not get into to some sort of degradation or rough sex they wanted.  This is what they wanted and it absolutely turned them on.  Trying to be a psychologist and "straighten them out".  They will just go find a guy who will do it. 
Absolutely agree that misogynists and people who put others down, are just weak and insecure. You lack something in your soul if you feel you need to bring others down. Degradation stuff is fun in bed but otherwise real alphas uplift their partners and the people around them.  
Wow interesting read on this post and the link. I have to say that I think I have been living under a rock because I was not aware of the various impacts of cyber culture on people. However I have a question for you. Have you read the book Chaos and Cyber Culture by Timothy Leary ?
to LittleMissLipService : Haha. I'm destroying it my friend. Absolutely ravishing it!
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Brilliant article - thanks for sharing with us...

But I need to ask, What are you doing to my XHmaster? I came here for the sex, but stayed for the intelligent discourse - it's quite unexpected... and appreciated.
We am ANonyMoooose!

We wonder aloud if there's a Mysterogony!
to n2oral : A correct one, I think.
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Some good points here. Unfortunately, a site like this will attract the low lifes. Easier to just totally ignore them, and dont rise to the bait. Great vids, thank you.
I would've commented on this a lot earlier, but been a trifle busy getting certain such "cunts" kicked off the site...
Good blog posted by a genuine person. Such a rarity on here, sadly.
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to Samsonight : quite true, in some parts of my country at least.
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to ksmyaz : I agree
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to lilith10 : Our mutual hatred of Thatcher had nothing to do with her gender.
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to rodent1 : Oh I agree. There are definitely people out there who have earned themselves the title of "cunt." I don't think it's gender specific though.
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to lilith10 : I believe I've already made my distaste for misogyny and phallocentric condescension crystal clear in my profile and blogs, Catherine. As for "strong, opinionated women", I had the enormous good fortune to share my life with just such a soul for more than twenty-five years, and I valued every day of it. I perceive myself as a fairly forthright individual; why would I settle for anyone less as a partner? -- Steve
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to Epicurus3 : My wife used to say that although 'cunt' was a dreadful word, there were some people for whom there was none more appropriate. Thatcher was the one she most had in mind.
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Unfortunately, the internet has opened the doors, like Pandora's box.

Anonymity allows for some while, and especially to say and write!

And any site on the internet, even beyond the site type X Hamster. And unfortunately, the trolls are not that mysogines. They can be racites, hateful, violent.

And, yes, these are real people we sometimes deviate a backhand but are there, very present in our society.
I'm afraid that in a few years, they are still present and still virulent. Difficult to provide a single response.
to Epicurus3 : "I would follow [margaret thatcher's] leadership into the bowels of hell."

Yes. You would.
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I just scanned the article. It a propaganda piece written to equate conservatism with misogyny. Its a hit piece. Calling Sarah Palin a cunt is fair game, because everyone knows she is stupid (Saturday Night Live and Jon Stewart said so! and they are cool! and I wanna be cool too!) I could educate myself on the issues and point out where I disagree with her, but that is sooo hard! So I will just parrot what all the cool people say. Conservatives are misogynists. Therefore Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Margaret Thatcher, Jan Brewer, Nikki Haley, Condoleeza Rice...etc have all betrayed their sex and are treasonessly working for the patriarchy.
Listen here little missy, don't get your panties in a wad. Now go take a midol or apply some monostat 7 or some shit and make me a sammich!!!
Misogyny, race-baiting, regionalism, socio-economic status -- all can be effective means to throw an opponent off balance. However, I endorse avoiding them because they are crude and primitive. You would reveal more weakness in yourself than you would gain through this obvious and predictable exploitation. I also never engage in discussions about equality of the sexes. It is such a pointless argument. To me sex is an arbitrary dividing line for individuals. It would be like participating in a discussion about how blue eyed people are equal to green eyed people. I wonder how Margret Thatcher or Golda Meier would react to my first sentence in this comment. I don't know what they would say, but I am fairly confident, it would end in my humiliation. One thing I admire about those women is that they were not concerned about championing women's rights or fight for some vain idea of egalitarianism, they were too busy wielding power on the world stage in service of their countries. I would follow their leadership into the bowels of hell.
Not being female, I've never experienced this firsthand. But I don't see this as a website that objectifies women so much as one that celebrates sexuality itself, regardless of gender or orientation. There's something here for almost every taste, and women ( though outnumbered by men) are just as empowered to choose here.
Just my humble opinion
I'm pleased when I encounter intelligence of any gender on xhamster. Introspection about who we are and why we're here can make the encounter with the site more erotic. Frankly, I don't get off on belittling anyone as is so common on porn sites and appreciate the challenge that you and other offer me.
LOL very interesting.
Your comments reassure me! In the last few days I've come across two women whom I thought had some kind of agendas. I've noticed others in the past. What is the word for a female misogynist? Anyway, it's easy to hide in obscurity on a place like this, popping out to tear someone down and then refusing any return comment by blocking them. I know there are a lot more males doing this than females, but there are some. Your blog just said what I haven't been able to put into words. Thank you! It's a pity that there are people who have to be like that, but better on here than out in public, I suppose.
Fantastic article, very well written and considered. Your argument grows stronger (a sad fact, in itself) with each passing year. Keep up the good fight and grind the trolls under your black leather heel!
The sheer stupidity of my gender makes me ashamed at times increasingly so In the Uk we have a societal stupidity encouraged by an education system which places results above learning and eradicates the idea of intelligent thinking objectivity and liberal attitudes Men are encouraged by the media to regard women as second class and less worthy
Why oh why cant men see that equality with women in every area of life is a benefit not a threat As to the pernicious activities of trolls and the like Iam speechless but sadly recognise that angry impotent men will always find a way to bully and belittle women The intellectual violence is almost as bad as the physical violence encouraged in tv and the cinema in the name of dramatic entertainment .Congratulations on your stand and for highlighting this dark corner of the internet
Thank all of you for your wonderful and diverse range of comments. I didn't expect this blog to receive to much attention. I'd like to answer many of you via PM when I get a little more time. You all brought up some wonderful points.
Respect is not a matter of sex but of education. Some individuals think it's a proof of manliness to act rude. Unfortunately some girls support this too by presenting themselves as "bitches" and encourage the boys to act the silly way they do. I got the impression both sides of the younger generation are pretty insecure how to play their role correctly, so all we adults can do is to give them a good example how to do it in a fair and respectful manner.
This was a fabulous blog, and its upsetting to know that so many amazing women are hounded and belittled and seen as only objects by some men and that they give those of us that have respect for everyone a bad name, and therefore women find they have to miss trust all men until they are proved that they are different.
Its a shame that we have to put up with these ignorant men.