Explanation of My Profile

Explanation of My Profile

I have been harassed by another member complaining that my profile is obscene because of its religious imagery and some pictures which he considers too violent. So I wrote this brief outline explaining what each picture represents. The pictures are all metaphors. By explaining them straightforwardly I feel I am detracting from the power they conveyed when the viewer was left to their own interpretation. Though this profile is a reflection of my own life, it also mirrors many other peoples' experiences regarding their own journey into self discovery. I get messages every day from at least one person with which this profile has resonated. Yet, because certain people have a vendetta against me, I feel I must ruin the mystery and explain each image, one by one.

The person in question does not like me because I objected to his uploading of a brutal simulated **** video of his three months ago. The readers of this blog can judge for themselves which is more offensive and inappropriate for this site. This explanation is very, very brief, as I first intended it to be a simple comment.


My page is a M E T A P H O R E for my life. Each picture is autobiographical. Each represents a snapshot of my mind, in relation to itself, at different intervals in my recent experience.

We'll go in order starting with picture number one:

1. That is a picture depicting Lilith, the goddess I have assigned to represent the psychological principal asserting that unrecognized desires will eventually surface. In that pic, there is Lilith, waiting to shed light upon my u*********s. You see her there, waiting, yet aware of her mission.

2.A dominatrix standing upon a black and white floor, representing the black and white thinking of my overly-disciplined military mind. She comes as a dominatrix in my psyche, standing there as she makes her presence first known upon my consciousness.

3. Lilith chains me to her clit, making me her submissive plaything. All color except for red begins to fade here, as I enter her world. I am the woman on the ground, bowing down to the mistress of truth. She will show me the truth through sex.

4. No color now. I enter into my u*********s mind. This period of self-inquiry is a solo affair, like masturbation, yet this activity is precarious in nature, hence the knife. If this period of self examination were to be fun, I might be holding a dildo, yet in this picture I am wielding a knife, alluding to the pain which I am about to inflict as I dig (as I fuck) deeper into myself.

5. Your "curb stomping" pic, to me, represented that dominant side of me. It represents that part of me which had to dominate over men during my career. Notice that the man is obviously in the military, his head pushed upon a keyboard by a strong, dominant female. This is a pic of my relationship to men up until that point, not hideous curb stomping you envisioned.

6. This is a picture of me discovering my more submissive side; her hands are clasped as if in prayer and are loosely cuffed, showing that she (I) enter into this act of submission voluntarily, and that I view it as a form of meditation and healing.

7. A picture of how I view myself just following retirement. I am depicted wearing a nun's outfit, representing my break with societal convention. Sex upon a grave is an act of rebellion, the breaking of that grave symbolic of the my break with the past (which is dead and buried.)

8.Before it was deleted by the user, this was a picture of two people embracing. On of them was clearly a Marine. The picture represented the love I now have for both my militaristic masculine side, and the feminine side which is now dominant. The pic was of the two kissing in tender embrace. In contrast to the previous pics, which all involve power exchange, the two people in this pic (the two halves of myself) were equal.

9. Picture representing neither power nor equality nor love. This depicts me, as I engage in frivolous group sex, which I did heavily in 2011. It was raunchy, but it was my right.

10. Pic of an eye being stimulated. Color becomes vibrant suddenly, as I reenter the days of my youth. Pics 11-14 depict my foray into rediscovering my fun side, my youth, before I entered the structured world of the Corps. Those pics are from a rave I attended monthly in Los Angeles. Raves are places to assert individuality, so these pics represent a period in my life in which i was actively reasserting my own wants and needs over the expectations of others. In the last pic, the women is sawing off a chastity belt.

15. A picture of dilated eyes constricting. This represents coming down from, not only the "rave" experience, but from the trip Lilith had taken me thus far.

16. Lilith's tour into my u*********s, as represented in the whirlwind of imagery above, was traumatic and left me devastated. After two years of self-discovery, of unbridled and unchained self-discovery, I felt shell shocked, depicted by the woman hiding her tears. The journey Lilith took me on was like nothing I had ever known, and I barely knew what hit me.

17. A picture of a woman with ropes around her wrists, yet unbound. Here, I depict myself as I search for meaning and possible forgiveness for what I had regarded (at the time) as two years of wasteful, degrading, debauchery.

18. Picture of a woman raising her arms to the cross. This pic represents the return of my attention to the spiritual life I knew as a girl. Though I am raising my hands toward the cross of Christ and Christianity, now, I look at the cross as my own (notice it is empty and not a crucifix). In this pic, I am embracing spirituality, not religion. The journey Lilith took me upon, here, becomes my salvation, as it was that journey which shed light upon parts of myself I had never seen. I embrace the mystery of the cross again, though with newly accepted knowledge of my soul and spirit. Lilith crucified me... she destroyed me with the truth, yet I raise my arms in this pic because it was in that destruction that I found salvation in the form of knowing and loving who I am. Lilith had become my Christ.

19. I end with a picture of a weapon which has become synonymous with the Marine. Having gone through hell and back, after delving into my u*********s with Lilith as my guide, I return, saved, and once again in control of my life. The knife is a symbol of discipline and authority, here representing the restoration of my own will over that of Lilith's. She had been my guide; I allowed her to be in charge, but now I am in control again. The knife is laid at rest, like a period at the end of a sentence, representing both an end and serving as a harsh reminder of the perilous, but valuable, journey I had just undertaken.

Published by lilith10
11 years ago
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You be you!
I think your profile is downright amazing and your descent into the depravity and freedom Lilith has allowed you is fucking hot. Keep up the great content!
What's with all of This philosophical shit on a porn site
Please keep doing what you are doing great content 
there's no good reason to pester someone about their culture. unless that persons' culture. more often than not that kind of behavior comes from people who just aren't happy with their lives, so they try n drag you down with em, cause misery likes company.

good luck with your mind, art is a good way to aquire some grasp the part of you that doesn't operate on any sort of knowable logic. so theres that at least :smile:

Lilith is a good name for the an alternate in such a situation. the Lilith of eden had a respectable sense of pride. refusing to accept a submissive role. she really got shafted though. :frowning:
Hmmmm. Anthony. I also would like xhamster to have a forum. The need and desire amongst its members is apparent. It's why the different profiles representing different clubs are formed, as well as what the Grievance Page is for. They all fill the void of not having a forum. The site avoids it for some reason.
I really appreciate your effort in opening your self to us. It's really fascinating to plunge in a person's mind, and to share the way she/he sees her/himself.
As a native Arizonan, I have always enjoyed the differences in colloquialism geography can bring...specifically, whenever I hear someone denigrating another on "religious" grounds, I am reminded of a classic "New Yorker" reply: "So who died, and made YOU God?"
You don't have to explain Nuthing! If they don't like it, they can keep it moving! FUCK em! Keep doing your thing, gurlfriend!
It is very interesting to see all the differences there are between
human beings and cultures.Thanks a lot!
very interesting and thought provoking.

My response to the religious zealot would have been to ask him what is he doing looking at porn if his religious convictions are so strong.
"My freedom ends where begin the freedom of another."
If another dislikes what I am or my ideas, my duty is to leave him free to say and write his reasons.
It doesn't mean I have to change my ideas and my behaviour just to please him or avoid
to show what I am in public (into the limits of the law).
Ideas have rights but not power or absolute power.
I'm on a sharing site, I'm free to avoid the stuff I don't like but I can't stop the other members,
it's against my own interest.
Deep.....this has me searching my own soul. Thank-you.
I don't think that explaining the photos takes away from other people's impression of them. On the contrary, I think it adds up to them nicely. There's always room for interpretation and imagination. Well, at least for me. But, this was really detailed and quite wonderful.
If your photos are violent, I want to offer my soul to the devil .... No, seriously, the photos you put in intro are beautiful and carry meaning.

To visit the web long hours, your photos are incomparable to those you can find on some sites, and ultimately violent vomiting.

I love what you post, blend of art, religion and eroticism. Myself in position sometimes for fun.
I read with interest the comments your friends have left. If I do not like a picture, as a general rule, I do not say. One time I posted a blog where I have been quite critical towards a photo gallery posted by a subscriber: the photos in question were particularly violent against women. The ensuing discussion with the person and a stone of his friends have been a long unpleasant moment for me.

Continue your way in peace. Let the wolves howl, there is that which makes life ... bad for them.

Good week to you !
Thank you to all of you.

@Screwfix. I appreciate your words. I did block the user but I felt I needed to make this blog because that user was trying to get my pictures banned on the basis for being too violent. After I blocked him he commented on every comment I made on my friends' pages, it seemed like. Because he was trying to garner support to have part of my profile deleted, especially parts which were central to its theme, I felt I needed to answer his accusations. Now that I've gotten permission to keep the pics, I am trying to just ignore him.
Very impressive! as for the harasser use the block button simples
I am going to have to slow down on your profile; it is like candy, the more I know the more I want to know more.
I think your profile is self explanatory, I don't think you should have to explain why what is.
When I was growing up we raised a garden, We had an old mule to plow through the rows. And to keep it in the rows so we could work and walk around it we put blinds on its eyes. You had two leather straps ties to a bit in its mouth that you held on to Left & Right forward and back k. If you took off the blind the mule could see around it. It would act up, break loose and run to the barn. What i'm saying is people are looking with blinds on there eyes. They look trying to find fault instead of what it is. This site is not myspace or facebook its a porn site for adults, it is art and to be able to get the most out of this site one has to have open mind and some intelligent's. I don't think there is a such thing as good and evil. Its stable or unstable. Like they say you can't fix stupid right.

I'll point one out "curb stomping" pic Look at that photo I see no sweet, no blood, no black eyes. purely clean photo shot. It wasn't one that got the fuck beat out of them then took a picture. No just a photo shot of art. C'mon people get with the program.
I deleted the picture in question that Thailock requested. It was a picture in my nuns gallery. Personally I don't find it objectionable and it was honestly one which I found very arousing. It was one which I liked. Yet Thailock mentioned it to me... didn't even ask me to take it down.... he just mentioned that he found it offensive. Out of respect to him I deleted it.

Of course I will not delete every single picture someone doesn't like, but is it that hard to approach me like Thailock just did, and politely say that I'm being offensive? It's not that hard at all and you'll more likely get a good response out of me.
Thanks for your interesting and well-written explanations, which also allow to your friends of know you better, Kate.
Your research inside you do honor to your person.
although it is now clear that you are being attacked, just for revenge, greetings.

P.S. Excuse me, if I tell you that I had not seen your photo n. 24, that honestly I do not like it, for the reasons that you can well understand.
Concerning the swords on your own page, RC:

I actually earned mine.
to Gabriele :

now after viewing the definition of curb stomp, how exactly is it that what we see in that image is not a curb stomp? case closed
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This is such a well written blog taking much time to explain bit by bit what probably lies dormant within many, although they are either not aware of or have ways to suppress such uprising feelings. The user critising you for Photo No. 5 is wrong by stating it would depict violent murder, in fact he was probably reflecting on his own innermost as his uploads actually contain very violent storieslines!
Muddy the waters some more with irrelevant bullshit. Pic # 5 depicts violent murder, That's the issue I addressed and you know it, not all the rest of this off topic drivel.. Desecrate all the grave sites you want, insult a persons belief system all you want, but if you intend to represent this site then abide y it's rules and remove your violent imagery
awesome job Lilith. i love your profile and how deeply intelectual you are. something about your persona captures me
Very eloquently written in a few thousand words. But really, only two words were needed for the person who was hassling you ... FUCK OFF.

As I have mentioned previously, your profile has 'stirred my loins.' Consider them shaken, too, just like 007s vodka/martini.
Your profile just became more interesting to me. You have had many inner conflicts and experienced a lot through time. The 2011 episode about group sex would be kinky stuff I presume :wink:. Thanks for sharing.
There are no offensive pictures about religion - there are only intolerant people blinded by wrong dogmas.
Those who get so easily offended shouldn't be on this site in the first place.
In NO way you should have to feel sorry for actually telling something in your pictures, giving them a meaning, instead of just giving your visitors their dose of generic naked women pictures.
If they don't like it, it is them who have a problem, not you.
You are on the right side - if I liked your profile in the first place, it's because there is "food for the mind". Keep going!
Very clearly and concisely explained- which probably also means it's beyond that person's comprehension. I've found that often the source of unreasoning and intense hate isn't the specific rant mentioned, but rather is based in jealousy that the hater knows they aren't as intelligent, but don't have a clue how to improve that situation...