Dear xHamster.Com, Your Rules are Useless!

Dear xHamster.Com, Your Rules are Useless!

Look at the rules stated when a user uploades a video:


See the rules that I have highlighted?
How often do we see them broken on this website?
The answer is: Over and over and over and over and over again...

Granted, a n i m a l s, r a p e, v i o l e n c e, b l o o d, shitting, vomit and other disgusting things are not being allowed or tolerated.
This is a good thing! I have to give credit where credit is due on this one!

I've seen some very questionable-looking "teen" photos and videos that literally SCREAM under a g e d, .
Why aren't the reviewers catching this and questioning them?

Well...who really knows for sure. It's almost impossible to tell or prove it.
I'm sure there's a few out there, but we'll never know.

SOMEHOW pissing videos ARE slipping under the radar of xHamster's [crack team of] "professional reviewers." This is a serious breach of agreement for all and any users posting disgusting pissing videos. I'm perplexed as to how xHamster can allow this to continue, or act as though they are not aware of it.

ALL OF THE ABOVE have been posted on this website time and time again!!
SOME actually have the words "d r u n k" "Passed Out" and/or "sl e e ping" IN THE TITLES of the videos and photos!
Earth to xHamster... come in xHamster!

Copyrighted photos and videos are ALL.. THE... TIME on this website.
Nobody gives a SHIT about this rule and nobody CARES about this rule!
Everyone laughs at it and no one enf o r c es it.
Seriously! It's a joke!

This one is just as much ignored and laughed at as the second rule.


Apparently, the photo and video reviewers that are hired and assigned to do their jobs don't agree with, or don't care about, their employer's photo and video posting policies.

I would propose that, perhaps, maybe they should consider employment .
How can xHamster that they are disregarding the rules and dropping the ball?

If xHamster won't enf o r c e their own rules...
Published by richardhertz
11 years ago
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he is right