Story (c0ntd)

Story (c0ntd)

While sex with my husband was okay, over the first few months of our marriage I noticed the frequency of our intimacy and the intensity of his fucking was waning.
He said it was natural for that to happen after the first few months, but that it would return. We also began to disagree about c***dren. I wanted them and he wanted to wait.

He bought me a few toys, eg. a dildo and a few vibrators, and told me he wanted to watch me use them on myself. I was no novice, and he was my husband, so I easily obliged him. Unfortunately, this began to overtake our intercourse, and he couldn't seem to get hard, or very hard, unless I was playing with myself. He also wanted to rehear about my high school and college experiences with sex, over and over again. I would lie there pumping myself and telling him, and he would be listening and watching and stroking his cock.

He was running a sporting goods purchasing department for a large chain and I was an office manager for a national engineering/architectural firm. We did our best to coordinate schedules, but we both traveled, he more than me. One evening I cam home late from work, and he had obviously returned from a trip before I got there. I found him in our bedroom, reading Penthouse letters (it was big at the time) and jerking off. As I said, I found porno books before; now I caught him jerking off instead of fucking me.

I was upset, and we talked. He told me that he was obsessed with having me fuck other men. He told me he was turned on by the thought of his wife doing the things I'd told him I'd done in college, only more often and naughtier. He told me it turned him on when his friends and colleagues told him how hot his wife was. He did not appear to be jealous like a normal person would. He told me he wanted me to be free to do all the things I'd fantasized about and all the things he hypothesized me doing when he had me dildoing myself.

Needless to say, I became incredibly confused. He may have been experienced at 31, but I was still only 23. This was not what marriage was supposed to be. On the other hand, I cared for him, and wanted our sex life to be as good as possible. But this was more than I could fathom. Nevertheless, I had been getting fucked much less after four months of marriage than I had been in the 6 or 7 years before. By a large margin. I told him I wanted to have c***dren. He said that if I would do this for him, he would agree to have k**s after a reasonable time. I told him I'd think about it, not knowing exactly what he really wanted or what "thinking about it" actually meant. (c0ntd later)
Published by JaneGavins
11 years ago
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I also am enjoying reading your Story Jane, and have many chapters to savor, thank you for sharing so!!!
Approaching it from the view of a "bull" in cuckold scenarios... I have encountered this many times... bottom line one side has to acquiesce for there to be harmony in the relationship... those that think marriage or being in a commited relationship is 50/50 are delusional!!!
Thanks for telling your story... looking forward to reading more!!!

Just finished reading a story series on Literotica regarding a young couple who eventually get married but along the way the prim and proper lady amuses her fiance by indulging his sexual fantasies/quirks!!!
Ever heard of the old Chinese saying that goes, When a newly married couple first has sex, they place two pebbles in a bottle and each time they have sex two more pebbles each time for the first year. After the first year, they remove a pebble each time they have sex. The bottle will never empty.
I can imaging that you became a confused young woman when your 23.
As the plot deepens
Seems that one of a marriage is always hornier than the other. seldom are they both on the same level.
I am enjoying each chapter
Really enjoying reading your story.
Great story. Hope to read more soon.
Very interesting , I'd like to hear more
you should take a lover :wink: i am game