CharlieBrownOz's Stories, #3 | xHamster

Another Great Handjob

What's so great about a handjob you ask? Let me give you a little background. First my wife and I are getting old. Sex doesn't come as often as it used to. Second I like wearing cockrings, my wife doesn't like them. Third my wife doesn't like daytime sex. Like all too may men, she likes to cum, roll over, and go to sleep. I'm still horny on a regular basis, not too often, but often enough. My wife rarely is unless I can seduce her. So I play with my cock a lot. Don't most men when they're not getting laid enough? My wife knows I do, but it's more or less don't ask - don't tell. Occasionally… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago

The Blue Cockring 2

I decided to try the tight blue cockring again this morning. So I slipped it on - it went on pretty easy since I've gotten good at putting them on now. I really should use some lube, but that's another story. This thing is tight, I worry that it's too tight. But that's how they work, they're supposed to be tight. But it feels good, very good, real good. I have XHamster on, and between the tight cockring and the great pics and vids, I start getting hard. Here's the part where I worry. They're designed to keep blood in the cock and keep it hard. But what if it works TOO good and I stay too hard… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 5

The Blue Cockring

I tried on my blue cockring today. It's the smaller one - 1 3/4" as apposed to my two 2 inchers. I haven't worn it in over a year. My 2" cockrings are comfortable, a little tighter would probably be OK. But, the last time I tried it I struggled to get it on, it was just too tight. And when I started getting hard I panicked because I thought it would be too tight and I'd end up in the emergency room. After enjoying my cockrings almost daily for almost 2 years now I guess I've gotten comfortable with their installation, use, and removal. So today I dug out the tight one and put it on. After 2 y… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago

A different kind of cum

Most everyone says use lots of lube when you jack off. Sorry, lube doesn't usually do much for me. Personally I like a dry rub - skin on skin - hand on cock - lots of friction. Like they say, to each his own. Do what you like and what works for you. After all, it's for YOUR pleasure. To this day I don't remember when, why, or how I learned this, but in my much younger days the only way I could cum was rolling my dick between my hands, much like a boy scout twisting a stick between his hands trying to start a fire. My friends would try it this way and it wouldn't work for them. I'd try it the… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 3

Did you ever notice?

Did you ever notice your arms are just the right size. I'm thinking men here, but it probably works for women too (with some minor adjustments). OK men, try this - Take off all your clothes (yes your socks too, guys look dorky when they're naked but wearing socks). Now lay down somewhere comfortable, preferably your bed, but the couch or the floor will do. I guess the kitchen table would work, but it might not be too comfortable. Now take your dominant hand and grab your cock. Perfect length, right? Not too long, not too short. Perfect length. OK, now that you're naked and have you cock in yo… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 8

Shaving the boys

I keep my balls shaved, they look and feel better that way. I shaved all my pubes a few times, all men should try it at least once. It looks and feels good. If you like it, great! If you decide it's not for you..... it will grow back, it's not permanent like a tattoo. It might even make you look bigger. If you have a 6" cock sticking out of an inch of hair, it only looks 5" long. If you're shaved clean, it looks like the full 6". Maybe it's just my imagination, but I think they're more sensitive when they're shaved. I really love it when my wife plays with them and I usually tug on them myself… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 4

Morning hand job

My wife's not a morning sex person. Or an afternoon delight woman. She like it at night - when she can roll over and go to sleep. I'm pretty sure I can count on on hand the times we've had sex in the morning or afternoon. Let's see.... Morning fuck on our honeymoon. Afternoon fuck at a cabin in the woods. An afternoon hand job when I had a bad case of blue balls. An afternoon hand job when I was wearing my cock ring and pulled my hard cock out in front of her. Yeah, that one surprised me. Yep, 4 times, one hand! I know her likes and dislikes and go with the flow. No use pushing my luck too fa… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 4

New Sensation

I tried something new this morning. I don't think I'm going to make it a regular thing, but it was nice for a change. I have a nice cockring that I enjoy wearing. It's stainless steel, about 3/4" wide, and has a 2" hole. No, my cock isn't 2" in diameter, the ring is the kind that goes around everything, cock and balls. Did I mention it's heavy? It is. My cock is only 1 3/4" in diameter, so the ring doesn't work as an 'around the shaft' cockring. That said, I slid it down over my hard cock. That early in the morning the stainless steel was cold - it sent a shiver down my cock and up my spine.… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago

good cum

I've been horny for a few days and the wife hasn't been - aches, pains, the usual. So today she said she was going out for awhile. You know what that means - time to take matters into your own hands! I haven't eaten my cum in awhile, I enjoy it when I'm in the mood, but it's no big deal, I'm not addicted to it like some of you pervs are! So I decided today's the day, I'm gonna eat some cum. Like I've said before, after I've cum I usually chicken out. But I do have a method that helps, and it worked today. I gave myself a ruined orgasm - I went right up to the edge and stopped just in time to… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 8

This morning

I wore my stainless steel cock ring to bed last night. I wear it a lot during the day, but haven't worn it to much while sleeping. I slept like a log, guess I'll have to do that more often. And this morning? I woke up with a raging hard on. Yep, gonna have to wear it more often while sleeping.… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 4 years ago 1


I have a few questions I'd like to ask about a 'hobby' of mine. OK, I know what edging is, jacking off almost to the point of cumming then backing off, then basically starting over again. Some guys do it 2-3 times then cum. Some people claim to do it for hours. I've heard of guys doing it all day, but I find that a bit hard to believe, but who knows. So I've edged a few times, and for the most part enjoyed it. Yes, I cum harder and stronger, isn't that the whole point? But I don't do it very often. I'm too impatient. When I want to cum, I want to CUM! But there is something else I like to d… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 15

Unintentional Edging

I got an unintentional edging the other day - at least I think it was unintentional. Let me explain. My wife doesn't particularly like my cock rings. Oh she knows I have them and she knows I wear them. It's kind of a 'don't ask don't tell' type thing. I know she doesn't like them so I take them off for sex. Hey, gotta keep the wife happy. She also doesn't like daytime sex. Of course I wish that was different, but there are a lot worse things in life than not getting nooners. A few days ago I was wearing my heavy stainless steel cock ring and shall we say.... enjoying it very much. I was in a… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 3

Masturbation Quiz

Post your answers in the comments The Masturbation Quiz. My answers to the masturbation quiz Are you male or female? Male Age? 60+ At what age did you start masturbating? don't remember, probably about 12 How many times a week do you masturbate? usually once How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Usually once. Came twice a few times. Came 3 times once or twice Where do you masturbate: In bed? often In the shower? sometimes In the bath? no Outdoors? Yes At work? many years ago Every room in the house? no In a car while traveling along the interstate? once What do yo… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 3

Male Cum Survey

'borrowed' from another post. These are my answers. You can answer in the comments. 1) Have you ever cum on a woman before? yes 2) Where do you like to cum most on a woman? tits, stomach, ass 3) How many spurts do you cum on average? 3-4 4) What is the biggest amount of cum spurts you have shot in one load? never counted, maybe 5-6? 5) Are you a multiple cummer? occasionally, not the norm 6) Have you ever cum in public? semi-public - outdoors in public places with no one around 7) Describe the first time you cum on a woman, what was her reaction? um - nothing special 8) Do you take anything t… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 2

Another good cum

I was horny last night. It's a nice feeling I haven't experienced much in the last six months. Unfortunately my wife wasn't in the mood. That's all right, it happens to everyone once in awhile. I went to bed slightly frustrated, but it's not the end of the world. I woke up this morning with a major woody and gave it a couple of good tugs a couple of times. My wife isn't into daytime sex, it's bed time or not at all. I wish it was different, but she's been that way for years and I've accepted it. So getting some morning nookie wasn't an option. I can either take care of myself or wait until ev… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 3

Morning Wood

I was sick for awhile earlier this year. Unfortunately I didn’t have any sex for a month. (Read my blog ‘What a Cum!’) Then I was on a medication for several months. It’s not supposed to affect your sex life. It did. All the time I was on it I had trouble getting woodies. And even when I did, I had trouble cuming. I was finally able to quit taking the meds and was hoping my sex life would return to normal. After about a week I woke up with morning wood. You don’t know how good that feels until it doesn’t happen for awhile! And I’ve woken up with a hard-on almost every morning since then. And I… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago

Wearing the blue cock ring

Oh my gosh, I just put on my blue cock ring. What's the big deal you ask? Well I have 3 - the heavy stainless steel that I love but I really need to be at least half aroused while wearing it. If I'm limp it just doesn't 'work'. Then there's the red one - smaller in size (but still 2") and aluminum, much lighter. On one hand it's not as comfortable, but on the other hand I can wear it all day even while limp and it still feels good. Does that make sense? It's kind of hard to describe. They're both 2" in diameter - the kind that go around everything - behind the balls - not just the base of my c… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 5

What a cum!

I haven't been on here much lately. Actually I was in the hospital for a few days then home for a long recovery. I haven't had much energy... or much of an appetite... or much sexual desire. And after a month I still wasn't horny (started getting worried about that) and then it happened - I started getting blue balls. By last night they were really hurting, I could hardly walk. So I said it's time, I need to relieve some pressure. I was a little nervous as was my wife, but I have to get some relief. So she started out slow, giving me a wonderful leg/thigh massage. And soon she moved up to my… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 5 years ago 2

3 times again!

I was horny the other day and my wife was going to be gone for a couple of hours. You know what that means, pull it out and play with it! I like to eat my own cum on occasion, but usually after I shoot my load I'm no longer horny and lose the desire to eat it. But years ago I learned a secret. If I have a 'ruined orgasm', I stay horny. Then I can eat my dribble and still cum a second time. I call it cumming twice, although it's usually more like 1 1/2. I don't do this very often though, because usually when I want to cum, I want to CUM! But the other day I decided it was time to eat my cum ag… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 6 years ago 3

Cum 3 times

I recently got some new underwear. These things are great. They're 'tighties' but the crotch is removed and replaced with mesh, so while the pants are actually tight, your junk sticks out and is supported in a little mesh pouch. (I guess I'll have to post a pic.) Anyway these things feel great and can do a good job of keeping me aroused. I kept touching myself and was horny for quite awhile. Then I had another idea, I wondered how these things would feel while wearing my cock ring. Would they work good together or would one interfere with the other? One way to find out. Oh my gosh, they go g… Read more

Posted by CharlieBrownOz 6 years ago 4