WELL LETS START WITH THIS 47YO WHITE MALE I HAVE VERY FEW LIMITS AND I MEAN FEW IM PRETTY MUCH OPEN MINDED ABOUT EVERYTHING IM NOT GAY SO NO ONE IS FUCKING ME IN THE ASS WHAT SO EVER NO MATTER WHAT OTHER THAN THAT DEPENDING ON MY MOOD I CAN BE INTO ANYTHING EVEN IN SOME CASES GONE TO FAR WITH THINGS AS LONG AS EVERYONE INVOLVED SAYS YES ITS OK IM GOOD WITH IT BUT WHAT REALLY IS TO FAR TO TABOO TO GO INTO b**stALITY,YOUNG, EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT VIEW ON THINGS IM STARTING THIS TO FIND OUT WHAT SOME OF THE THING THAT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WOULD COUNT AS GOING TO THE EXTREAM SEX LIFE ! I LOVE ALL WOMANS BODYS AS LONG as they are comfortable with it and confudent i cant help but want them to show it off for any woman to be with me there are rules no panties unless dress code requiers it no bra keep that pussy shaved no matter what and dress for me as a slut and whore but you belong to me frist and formost nothing happens anywhere with anyone unless im there with you to protect and watch your back from the ones that think man handling someone is ok in my life time ive only found one woman thAT SEXUALLY COULD HANG WITH ME BUT SHES LIKE OTHERS I GUESS COULDNT AT ALL UNDEERSTAND THINGS AND WE ARE NO LONGIER TOGTHERE FOR WHATEVER BLAME SHE PLACED ON ME WITH EVERYONE ELES SO THATS DONE IM THE TYPE OF PERSON IF YOU COME TO ME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT YOUD LIKE TO DO BEFOR HAND LITTLE DETAILS BEFOR YOU WALK IN THE DOOR WITH THE PERSON HELPS OK WHY CANT WE BE EQUILES YOU GET SOMETHING SO DO I BUT I WANT TO HAVE YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR MY SEX SLAVE NOT EVERYONE ELES FRIST THIS ONE GIRL wanted to be mine and i tried to interduce her on how things mite be in the smbd world by having her read the story of o i guess she thought her giving herself away to who she wanted was ok well its not she forgot one thing were is my part in all this even though i care for her deeply im replacing her with someone who will want me more than being alone with others but what is all my counter parts thinking about things going to far hell now a days everything is aginst the law you cant even go skinny dipin like you use to for fear of being locked up so lets hear what you have to say be open honest and forthcoming
Published by Bo10870
4 years ago
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