Dana Scully - Provocation Chapter 3

Dana Scully - Provocation Chapter 3

The atmosphere in the elevator was electric as Scully stood inches from the wiry Dario who directly faced her in its darkened interior as it descended into the lower levels of the building. Both their faces were caught in small streaking points of light filtering in from outside as their journey continued, the eyes of the intense-looking Italian burning into Scully's own as she felt the anger that had been rising in her join with an altogether more disturbing feeling. The elevator rattled around their standing bodies as they finally reached the basement level, no words having been exchanged since the short journey had begun. Just long stares between them. Stares that said more than words.

As the door opened in front of them revealing a small dark brick-lined passageway beyond, Dario held it open as Scully threw a look that combined fear with intrigue at him. Dario simply smiled and gestured for her to step forward. After several tense seconds, during which Scully was thinking she'd never felt her blood pumping through her body so violently, she began to leave the lift, Dario following her as the door returned to its shut position with another loud clink.

Scully's eyes tried to pierce the half-light in front of her and was aware just how much her heels echoed on the hard floor. As she continued to slowly walk forward, Dario keeping pace with her every step of the way, Scully was surprised just how much the fatigue and discomfort of her sexual adventure at Dominion had receded to be replaced with an intense coiled curiosity about where this particular journey was taking her.

After several minutes passing what seemed to be endless brick on either side, Scully came to a small black door which Dario stepped forward to open. Once again beyond it was the shade of half-darkness and Scully felt herself begin to become unnerved at the same time she was unmistakably excited.

"I'll go first if you'd like."

Dario disappeared into the gloom, his voice sounding after him.

"In your own time, Dana."

There was still fury and confusion racing through Scully's mind concerning the fact that Lynette had kept such potentially dangerous secrets from her as she debated following the predatory Dario. But something inside Scully made her choose to step forward, almost as if the possible tumbling together of the two worlds she had inhabitied ths past week was inevitable and it didn't matter what else she found in the dark. Was that self-destructiveness on her part, Scully pondered, or just simple acceptance?

"What do you think?"

It took Scully several seconds for her eyes to adjust to what lay in the darkness around her. Discerning what surrounded her was made slightly easier when Dario lit several candles in the far corner of the small room. Its walls were just as solid and brick as the passageway outside, flickering shadows cast across their cracked surface by the yellow light. But there were objects hanging on the brick, photo prints that made the intensity of the pictures hanging up on the stairway to Dario's studio tame in comparison. Images of forceful sexual encounters featuring varied elements of bondage, piercing, whipping, intimidation by weapon, willing sexual torture that burned hard into Scully's retinas with their almost-sadistic undercurrent. The only thing that prevented Scully being really disturbed by them was the fact that even in these pictures it was still apparent that the people were consensual to whatever was inflicted on them, as wild as it may be. She still stood shocked though at the primal emotions on display and indulged before her, and felt her own primal demons surfacing as she beheld them.

"My private collection. A little too strong for public consumption I think."

"Just a little."

As she stepped forward for a closer look at a large print that featured a redhead having her body smothered in a sea of countless men who were all covering her naked body with endless amounts of hot burning wax as she exhibitied a wide-mouthed a****listic-looking scream, Scully noticed a large TV screen buried into the brick, surrounded by evocative portraits, which reminded her of the kind of large-screen that was a fixture of many downtown clubs or sports bars. She found herself wondering just what kind of entertainment would be flashed up on it. It made her swallow hard. As she felt Dario's body coming close to stand behind her, she could see in the reflection of the screen glass the ourobourous that featured in the tattoos on his bare arm once again and seeing it made her feel as if she really did belong in these surroundings. The realisation also made her angry enough to remember why she had first come to this building.

"It's unbelievable in a way...." Scully licked her lips to restore moisture to them. "What can go on in this secret world, what can be kept hidden....I've found myself getting so deep into it already that I didn't even really stop to consider what it might cost me in terms of my life, my career, my friendships..." She turned slowly to face Dario who noticed the intense fire in her blue-green eyes. "I found out something today that would change a lot if it turns out to be true....and my god, I need to find answers here today if you really know what's good for you..."

Dario was startled when Scully produced her gun from the folds of her dark coat and, cocking it, pointed it directly at him.

"No more games, Dario. I need to know about New York. And about Lynette. And whether it's true she's running away from a situation that cost a man his life." Her face was an iron mask. "And I need to know now!"

Dario surveyed the pressure that Scully was exerting against the trigger of the gun and despite his surprise still seemed to be intrigued by her defiant demand.

"And you think v******e will gain you the answer you need?" he gave a slight half-smile, all the time keeping his eyes locked with Scully's.

Scully brandished the gun in the direction of the portraits and then focused it back on him.

"v******e seems to be something you understand very well. Certainly v******e features a lot in your work here. Different shades of it in different contexts.
But you do understand it."

"And you understand, Dana Scully...." Dario took a couple of steps forward, being very careful not to appear confrontational. ".....that the first breath of air on an early morning is a breath of v******e. Deep. Powerful. Necessary. As necessary as the journey you made here today, as necessary as you holding up that weapon in front of my face. As necessary as knowing what befell your friend. After all, your concern for her is what brought you into this new world. And I'm so glad it did. I'm so very glad it did."

Scully tightened her grip on the gun, her stance firm.

"I don't regret the steps I've taken, only that they may have blinded me to something I should have seen. And I've always prided myself on seeing what is there. On knowing the consequences of my actions."

Dario took another couple of small steps, bridging the gap between them a little more.

"And that's why you did what you did. You've started to wonder about doing things without considering the consequences for once. And that's the problem. Is it just concern for your friendship with Lynette that makes your blood boil right now or the realisation you willingly jumped into the abyss despite the risks it might entail? That you made an unsafe choice to be here in this world and felt pleasure from that choice because it was so unlike what you normally do?"

Scully was so focused on Dario's piercing eyes she seemed unaware of how close he was now, his almost hypnotic voice washing over her.

"The truth is there was no incident in New York, Dana. And the FBI will receive information eventually that is the case. But it raises the stakes of the games we play, that you have chosen to play too. And I needed something to make you determined enough to arrive here before your meeting with Lynette. To further what's happening inside you..."

"You son of a bitch...."

Scully's finger pressed harder on the trigger.

"You're going to make this easy."

Noting the wooden chair to Dario's right, Scully advanced on him with the gun, making it clear she was going to fire. Dario found himself swallowing.

"So easy."

Inches away from the chair, Scully pressed the trigger, the empty noise echoing around the room startling Dario and making him topple onto it. Before he could compose himself, Scully was around the chair in a flurry of movement, pulling Dario's bare arms back behind it and snapping her FBI-issue handcuffs on his wrists, binding him. It was obvious the move had surprised him but he still managed to produce an admiring half-smile.


"You like raising the stakes, hmm, Dario?" Scully whispered, holstering her weapon and letting her dark coat fall to the cold floor, leaving her dressed in her standard FBI dress of dark jacket, white blouse and dark skirt before the bound man. "You think you know me, what'll draw me? What'll provoke me?"
She leaned over to him, her eyes filled with a dangerous tinge.

"I'm going to raise the stakes even higher than you can imagine because of what you chose to do today."

As she circled Dario in the chair, Scully got the impression that though he was intrigued by what lay behind her statement, his body still betrayed a slight edge as he sat cuffed, an edge she intensified by continuing to circle him with a predatory glide, every so often punctuating her words by leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"I've made the choice to enter this world, Dario. Every act I've engaged in I've chosen to take it to the point where it's most comfortable for me. As much as it frightened me at first, as much as it shocked me, I know what Provocation and Dominion both brought out of me is part of me. And I'm beginning to accept it. To embrace it. But when I want to. You get the picture, Dario?"

She ran her hands slowly over his head on her next circuit.

"I don't need you, or Carlos, or Lynette using tricks to get me here. It's not how I'm going to play the game if I choose to continue. And I am not...."

With a sudden move, she pulled Dario's head sharply back, tugging on his hair hard as she emphasised her control of him.

".....I AM NOT going to let your raising the stakes impact on my life and my job outside of what I choose to do in the dark. What I choose to do remains between me and the people I choose to be with, it's not something I ever want my colleagues, my family to know about, or others out there. Too many people have probed into my life, intruded on it, tore into it, took so much from me in terms of what I value and what I love. In this world I'm walking in now, the outside world has no claim on me and that's how I want it to stay. Do you understand, Dario?" She yanked harder on his hair, making him wince. "Do you understand?"

Dario's reply was a hoarse whisper and Scully couldn't determine if his voice was thick from arousal or unease or both.

"Yes, I understand, Dana. Very well."

As Scully released him and he slumped forward from her forceful push, she noticed a small alcove off to her left and what seemed to be a large remote control device resting in it. Retrieving the device and turning it over in her hands, Scully turned a quizzical face to Dario.

"I wonder what this activates..."

Checking the rest of the alcove she saw a small VHS system hidden in its depths and turning her head to survey the panel just under the large TV screen, Scully smiled.

"Of course...."

Walking to a position behind Dario, she stooped down and rested her face at the side of his, pressing it close and teasing him with its warmth as she held the remote towards the screen.

"Action, I think."

As she depressed what she surmised was the TV activation button on the remote, the large screen came into life with a static picture whose noise burst from what seemed to be surround speakers buried in the walls. Turning the remote back in the direction of the VHS system, Scully depressed another button which she was sure would serve the purpose of playing the tape she deduced was in the machine.

"Let's see what kind of entertainment you enjoy down here...."

As the tape came into play on the large TV screen, Scully was startled by what she saw. A view of two people filmed in grainy handheld medium shot copulating fiercely as rain splashed down over their bodies in a wet darkened alleyway. One white and sporting dripping red hair, the other black and sporting an impressive muscular body. The noises bursting from their mouths almost a****listic as the black man feverishly ground his hips against the white woman's rippling ass. It was her and Dixon, their lusts exploding several nights ago and caught on camera, reminding Scully of the intensity and raw carnality of that torrid night anew as she felt an aroused rush pool through her as she viewed it, knowing Dario was smiling at her reaction even though she couldn't see his face. It was now also very obvious to Scully where the prints that had made their way to the X Files office had originated from.

"That is one of the hottest things I've ever filmed right up there on that screen, Dana. My movies are intense, primal, raw. But seeing what erupted between you and Dixon that night is a totally different a****l. A volcano of wanton fucking like none I've seen. Only matched I'm told by your session with Rocco at Dominion last night."

He turned his head slightly towards her as Scully continued to silently watch the furious action unfolding, part of her still finding it hard to believe it was her on the screen as much as she remembered engaging in what was playing out again before her and as much as she remembered how she'd enjoyed it.

"When you go off, you go off, Dana Scully."

His words seemed to snap Scully back to the present and turning her eyes away from the screen she walked to stand in front of Dario as her own cries of near-orgasm panted from the speakers around them.

"Tell me, Dario....when you watched me with Dixon, were you wishing it was you with me?"

As Dario's eyes worked their way up the stockings that travelled up Scully's legs under her skirt, he fixed her with an intense and hungry stare.

"You know that I was, Dana. And I know that must excite you. Men's interest in you. My interest in you."


Scully walked backwards to the TV screen and reaching it pressed her back against the glass as an image of her being buffeted against the brickwork by Dixon filled it. She began to remove her dark jacket slowly and almost sensually. Dario shuffled forward on the chair.

"Tell me how much you wanted to be Dixon, Dario."

The jacket fell to the cold floor at Scully's feet, Dario almost desperate to lick his drying lips.

"I wanted to be Dixon more than anything else I could think of."

Scully fixed him with her blue-green eyes changing their intensity to a highly-provocative one as she moved to open the top button of her white blouse revealing the cross she was wearing around her neck.

"Because you wanted to be inside me?"

Dario was almost pulling the chair with him such was the effect Scully was having on him. His eyes blazed with barely suppressed hunger.

"Yes, deep inside you. Inside that beautiful body of yours."

Scully popped three more buttons on her blouse until the first trace of her cleavage appeared behind the material.

"Because you wanted to fuck me, like you were watching him fuck me?"

Dario was making his wrists almost bleed such was his effort to break free so he could claim her against the glass.

"If I was in his place, Dana, the fucking he gave you would seem like a gentle breeze compared to what I could give you."

Scully turned to face the screen, a distorted view of her own screaming face filling her eyeline as she undid the rest of her blouse away from Dario's eyes. Slowly she began to shed it before him, revealing first her bare shoulders, then the straps of her black bra and her exquisite naked back. Dario was aflame as the blouse too hit the floor at Scully's feet. Without turning around, her voice continued to tease him.

"What you could give me if I released you from that chair you mean?"

Dario's voice was almost a rasp, a total contrast to the calm control he'd exhibited with Scully the first day she had met him in his studio. She smiled at how easy it was to push his buttons and delighted in the feeling of power that rushed through her. Not that she'd ever doubted the strength she'd always had, but never had she used it before in such a way and gained such a completeness because of it.

"Suppose I just stood here for the next hour, Dario, leaving you there to watch me and whatever other recordings you have hidden in this room?" Her voice was low, throaty. "Left you to suffer on that chair at what could happen and just might not? Fancy playing a game with me with those rules?"

As he watched her back muscles twitch with their defiance, Dario almost panted his reply.

"I see you're determined to push me, Dana. Carlos was right when he told me he felt you had a reckless edge inside you. You fit into this world very well. And you understand it well."

The screen returned to static as Scully's orgasm subsided on the screen and she walked back over to the VHS system, all the while keeping her back turned to him, frustrating him at her proximity as she ejected the cassette in the machine and found another to replace it.

"I understand the power in it now. I've seen a lot of people wield power, most of it for cruel, selfish uses. I've hated that kind of power and what it can do to ordinary people for years. But this is a different kind of power and I like how it makes me feel, how it gives me something....something I've needed....." She placed the new tape into the machine and pressed the play button. "Let's see what else you have in your collection...."

As the TV screen began to relay the action on the next tape, Scully continued to keep her back to Dario who was now almost scr****g the chair across the basement in his desire to be closer to her. An image appeared on the screen of a sex sequence already in progress, a half-naked woman with the tatters of a torn white blouse hanging off her bent over a wooden desk while Dario himself plunged into her frenziedly from behind while her arms pulled her handcuffed wrists taut behind her back. As the focus was initially on Dario, Scully took it upon herself to examine the man's body while it was naked and in motion and saw it was as wiry and tautly in shape as she'd surmised and that his cock was a considerable size and had the tattoo of a snake stretching out along its heavily-veined side as he pumped it in and out of the unknown actress. She thought of the snake she had tattooed on her lower back as the camera panned across to show more of the woman being buffetted across the desk and her eyes opened wide when her identity was revealed.

It was Lynette. Not that her appearance should have really surprised Scully because she knew that Lynette had featured in quite a few of Dario's movies. No, it was more the fact she was wearing a wig over her blonde hair, red and styled in a very familiar way and there was now a very visible nameplate sitting on the desk beside her. A nameplate that read Dana Scully. And as the mock surroundings behind the desk began to become very familiar to Scully, she realised that Dario must know a lot more about her life than she realised, probably thanks to the friend who was seemingly close to a screaming orgasm on the screen this second. Switching off the picture with an abrupt tap on the remote control, the large TV picture once again became obscured by static which also spilled loudly from the speakers, drowning out the appearance of a new figure behind Scully. A figure she only became aware of when she felt his breath against her ear and on the back of her bare neck.

"You're such beautiful have been since you first came into this world, Dana...."

As she found herself slowly turning to behold the penetrating grey eyes of Carlos once more, Scully realised that she would not be leaving this basement for some time. Despite the trepidation and uncertainties that had plagued her during her journey, despite the swings from wild highs to agonised lows, despite the fears she still carried inside herself and the anger, Scully knew as Carlos' eyes bored into her soul, she was like a fly caught in amber. Her heart and desires pooling over. She had played the game with this man and others. Now it was no longer a game. She knew Carlos knew her better than she knew herself deep inside. And now as his hand gripped her bare shoulder firmly and her cleavage rose and fell sharply in the confines of her black lace bra, she knew she was going to prove it to him.

"How can you know....?" Scully began to speak but her voice trailed off, cutting off her attempt to truly discover how Carlos and this world had tapped fantasies she'd kept hidden deep inside herself for many years now and which she now knew had broken free to a point where the spell of realising them was too potent and too tempting to resist. Carlos' hand gripped her shoulder tighter, his eyes tearing away her defences.

"You want to fuck, don't you, Dana?"

As she heard the click of handcuffs impact on the basement floor, she realised that Carlos had freed Dario from his shackles and she swallowed hard at the thought that she was alone in the basement room with two men who hungered for her so intensely. Straining to look past Carlos' dwarfing frame, Scully was surprised to see Dario, despite being released from his bondage, still sitting on the chair, in fact he was leaning back on it with a wide smile creasing his face as he beheld them both. She was snapped out of her study of him by a sharp grab of her left hand which Carlos used to roughly pull her closer to him. As Scully automatically made to block his action, she was once more taken back to a time several years ago when a brooding and mysteriously attractive man had got physical with her.....The recollection made her swallow hard again.

"Tell me you want to fuck...."

Carlos' mouth was at her ear, his breath hot and making her stomach turn over with unstable desire as he kissed and licked at the sensitive lobe.

"Tell me I'm not wrong....Tell me I'm right about the reason you came here...."

The sensation of Carlos, warm, teasing, at the side of her face was making her whole skin flush and she swore if she breathed any heavier, her breasts would snap through the lace barrier that was keeping them from being free. Carlos began to run his strong hands through Scully's red hair, messing it up the same way he was messing up her desperate attempt to keep control and not give in to the demons pulling at her soul. He trailed his warm mouth around her cheek and trailed it just above her lip, the contact so close and so potent, Scully already knew without any doubt she was wet down between her thighs. As Carlos' mouth continued to move across the space above her lip from side to side, Scully felt his hand on her stocking and moving slowly up her trembling thigh. His touch awakened all the recent memories of those provocative moments she had shared in his company; the first night at the club Provocation itself, in the private room inside it, in the alleyway and in Room 17 inside the Dominion Club. As those encounters with him burned back into her consciousness, Scully remembered the latent lust that she had felt for Carlos even amongst all of the other distractions that had assailed her, even amongst the doubts and battles within herself. She had wanted Carlos. And now that want was something she truly recognised, truly acknowledged. Despite the feelings Dixon had stirred within her, even the Korean, Lynette and Rocco too, Scully had held that hunger for Carlos inside herself almost as if she was truly afraid to admit it. Wasn't now the time, when his warm hand was pressed hard against a centre that was already streaming once more, to stop being afraid and act on her feelings. To say to hell with the consequences.


Had she spoken to him as his hand had traversed into the damp confines of her panties? Had she actually answered his question?

"I didn't hear you, Dana."

His mouth was touching hers now at the same moment fingers were opening her out, making her leak along their surface. Their breaths were almost in a perfect sync; rapid and unsteady with the demonstration of arousal. An arousal that was building as they began to kiss deep, tongues mixing, saliva becoming a joint river between them. All the time Dario just watching as he turned down the volume on the large TV screen, reducing the sound of static until only the sounds of Scully and Carlos kissing filled the room. Loud kissing. Angry kissing.

"You play too....many games...." Scully panted between the moments when his tounge would withdraw from her mouth before pushing back in again. Her bra-encased breasts were pressed hard against Carlos' white shirt, her nipples obviously erect under the material.

The kiss deepened to a new a****l level. A liquid ferocity pooling between their joined mouths as Carlos moved his fingers in and out of Scully. He could barely reply to her himself.


Scully felt him beginning to hook her wet panties down her stockinged legs.


As Carlos twisted the thin band of her thong around her left thigh, Scully knew she didn't want to vent her fury at this dangerously compelling man anymore, nor take control of the situation and turn the tables once again. She wanted to give herself willingly to whatever he chose to inflict on her, ride out the wake his hunger for her would seemingly produce, see just how far he would take her. Scully tuned out Dario's presence behind them and concentrated all her senses on how Carlos was making her feel. She was letting down all her barriers and surrendering to the consequences. It was time to do so totally.

".....not play....."

Carlos' voice was a fevered rasp as Scully realised he'd been dragging her over with him to another small room within this basement. God, this place was like a labyrinth, twisting deeper and deeper and swallowing her up more and more. As her eyes struggled to accustom themselves to the semi-blackness in this new location, Carlos snapped on a single light-bulb above them. It cast the centre of the small room in an eerie glow as it hung on a long wire above the very desk mock-up that Scully had witnessed Lynette being buffetted across on the TV screen several minutes ago. It was only now that Scully was noting a little more background detail that hadn't been visible to her previously. A set of filing cabinets in the right hand corner and a small swivel chair parked just behind the desk which was littered with papers. But there was something else she had seen before. A nameplate. A very familiar nameplate with a very familiar name.


As Scully's breath caught in her throat at beholding such an obvious nod to her past work, Carlos suddenly and aggressively slammed her body forward into the desk, startling her and sending out that caught breath in a loud exhaled gasp. Bunching up her red hair tight in his fist, he yanked Scully's head sharply back by it and bored his grey eyes into hers.

"Welcome home, Dana."

The kiss he violated her face with was savage, marking her as his property, assaulting her features with tongue and teeth, locking on her red lips until Scully was certain he had drawn blood. Such a realisation didn't appall her, it merely hastened the a****l arousal she was allowing to engulf her. As he yanked his mouth away and pushed her head forward making some of her hair fall over her eyes, Scully felt her skirt being roughly bunched up behind her until it was pushed up all the way to her midriff. As her high heels slid on the floor of the room in a desperate attempt to steady herself, Carlos slammed her forward again until her upper body actually lay on the desk proper.

"Stay still."

It was a command that actually thrilled Scully to her core. As much as she liked to maintain control, Lynette hadn't been wrong when she'd expressed the thought to her that there was part of her that also invited submission, that took a torrid pleasure in being dominated. When Carlos hooked his fingers into her panties once more and literally ripped them from her, Scully winced at the feel of lace cutting across her full buttocks and also swallowed hard knowing her bottom half was completely exposed to him under her pushed-up skirt. As Carlos locked a strong hand into the back of Scully's neck and pushed her upper half flat on the desk and held her there, her breasts in her bra squashed flat on its hard surface, she heard the urgent noise of silk trousers being pulled down along with the rustle of discarded underwear and then bit her lip hard when she felt the heat of Carlos' naked hips touch her bottom. Even with a minute contact, Scully trembled at how erect she knew Carlos' cock already was. And trembled even more when she realised this was indeed the moment when she would finally feel it inside her.

"You know what I want..."

Scully's throat was so dry she couldn't form words. As her mocked-up nameplate filled her vision inches from her, she knew she wanted to scream an acknowledgment to Carlos that she did indeed know what he wanted, what she wanted too come to think of it. To be finally, ultimately swept away in the lusts boiling within. To fuck and be fucked without remorse mercilessly, wantonly, violently.....

"I want you, Dana..."

His voice was an unsteady aroused hiss, cutting through her fevered brain like an indecent whisper.

"I want to own you body and soul...."

Scully tried to talk as he parted her buttocks and she felt his saliva drip down her exposed crack, further massaged in by his strong fingers until she was wincing at the contact. The discomfort of accomodating anything at this moment was considerable least of all the man's heavily engorged cock but she knew where Carlos was going to plunge it inside her. It was an inevitable choice and it would have scared her to death a few hours ago. Now she anticipated it, no, welcomed it. She made a slight move to try and position herself better for him but Carlos slammed her head to the desk again and pushed her body once more hard against it.

"I said still!"

As her neck began to ache from the vice-like hold Carlos held on it, she felt a slight pressure against her asshole and realised it was the head of Carlos' cock trying to slowly gain admittance, pressing through the spit that he'd worked into her.

"Absolutely still....don't breathe, Dana....don't even fucking move...."

Just the sensation of his head was enough to make Scully grit her teeth. It was deeply uncomfortable, made more so by the fact that she had endured a sustained series of fuckings there in the past few days. In particular, the formidable sodomy that Rocco had inflicted on her still left its mark and she was starting to feel that once again. Carlos slowly withdrew. As Scully went to move, his hard body locked her down.

"No movement. None."

Carlos began to feed his cock into her once again, several more inches penetrating Scully this time while she mewled like a hurt cat. Sustaining his grip on her, he moved back and Scully slowly exhaled with relief as he withdrew once more. But it would only be a brief respite. And the strangest thing of all was that Scully, for all the reasons she didn't want him inside her there, also wanted him there like nothing else now. And her soft cries were not only ones of pain but also frustration.

"One more try, Dana."

More spit, more pushing. Carlos' cock began to travel further into Scully's ass making her body begin to buck before him. As Carlos held firm on her involuntary resistance to being filled once more, he pulled back one final time with a very audible pop of air, feeling Scully steel herself for what would be a final and ultimate push. Carlos' voice was laced with dominant intent.

"You will take this, will...."

When the final push came, the sensation of it tore through Scully like nothing else she'd ever felt previously. Carlos seemed even bigger than she thought he would feel as he got his whole cock between her jutting cheeks and she wept as she tried to get used to his size in such a strained place inside her. Her scream was so loud she was sure Dario must have heard it from the other room and it was only now she actually remembered he was in the basement too. She prayed for now he wouldn't enter this room and attempt to join them. It would be a considerable effort to endure the hard fucking she knew Carlos was going to inflict on her, let alone another man's, and as he buried himself to the hilt in her, his own buttocks tight with the effort, and drew out another sustained scream from her, her mind recounted the title of one of the pictures she'd seen outside Dario's studio the first time she had visited it.

Breaking Red.

How apt. For she was surely going to be broken in so many ways tonight.

Scully's thought was further reinforced by another agressive thrust into her from Carlos which left her hands flailing across the desk, s**ttering the papers there and sending the nameplate clattering to the hard floor as she tried to absorb the impact. As he pulled back and slammed forward again with considerable intensity, Scully reached across and gripped the far edge of the desk to try and gain some leverage. The effort made her body slightly arch and her ass raise a little higher, producing a delighted a****l smile from Carlos.

"That's it. Raise it. Raise it high for me."

Gripping the sides of her hips, Carlos pulled back and began to assault Scully with a series of hard stabbing thrusts which made her stockinged legs tremble with their ferocity, each thrust punctuated by his rasping voice filling her consciousness.


"You like it like this, don't you?"


"You like it...."


"Tell me how much you like it..."


"Tell me how much you want it...."


"Tell me, bitch."


"Tell me how much you like it, bitch...."


"Show me how much you want to fuck."


"Show me!"

Carlos was starting to increase his speed into her, Scully panting, her whole body straining, muscles fiercely working to keep taking what he was giving her. All the pent-up lust he'd carried for her since that first fateful meeting at Chances was pouring out of him and being inflicted on her body and despite the sensations of pain burning through her, there was a forbidden pleasure flooding through Scully as he sodomised her over the desk. As his fingers tightened in her red hair and twisted in it hard, he began to pull her head back towards him, slowly dislodging Scully's grip on the edge. Tipping her head right back until he was looking down at her, he opened his mouth and trailed a long line of his saliva into her own which Scully gulped down her throat as he spat more and more of it onto her. Crushing his wet lips to hers, he proceeded to give Scully one of the most electrifying and passionate kisses she'd ever received in her life. It was laced with an incredible emotion despite the savageness of Carlos' sustained fucking and she found herself hungrily returning it as she truly lost control, their mouths locked in ferocious battle with each other sharing tongue and saliva in a frenzied tango. So fevered was the kiss that at first Scully didn't notice the appearance of Dario in the room. As her and Carlos finally seperated and her head fell forward, strands of red hair covering her eyes, she was startled by the presence of the wiry Italian standing naked before her and stroking his considerable erection between his thighs, his voice an aroused whisper as he surveyed her in Carlos' grip.

"I want to watch you fuck her, Carlos. She deserves the hardest fucking possible."

Just the fact that someone else was watching Carlos take her in such an a****l way made Scully's stomach turn over with a torrid glee. As he began to resume his pounding of her, Scully closing her eyes tight and gritting her teeth hard as Carlos' face appeared at the side of hers twisted in an aggressive snarl, Dario stroked his cock in unison to the cries that were being forced from Scully's lips.

"It makes your cock hard watching this hot little slut get fucked doesn't it, Dario?" Carlos hissed as he slapped Scully's exposed buttocks hard elicting a loud scream from her.

"You know it does, Carlos. And I think it fulfils all those provocative desires that burn in Dana's black little heart..." Dario was panting as he jerked on his swollen penis, the snake on its skin stretching longer as he became more and more powerfully erect, the sight of the tattoo making Scully feel she was in the middle of the Garden of Eden and transgressing every religious conviction she'd ever held within herself. Committing sin in the most carnal way. And that thought made her pussy spill over as Carlos pushed his fingers deep into her, working her engorged pulsing clit in unison to his anal fucking of her.

"You think you ache now, girl...." Carlos pressed his mouth to her ear as he continued to fuck her hard with finger and cock. "That's nothing to how you're going to ache when we've finished with you down here....and you're going to love every second of it...."

Scully tried to steady her voice to reply, to tell him she wanted him to make her ache, that she wanted to take this encounter as far as it would go, to test her own limits and his. But before she could, Carlos pressed his fingers, wet with her juices, into each side of her mouth and held them either side, forcefully stretching her mouth even wider as she tried to bite down, her essence dripping from them onto her tongue as Carlos once more taunted her.

"I knew you were hard-assed when I first met you, Dana....but I'm sure going to change that...."

His pounding of her reached new levels of intensity until Scully felt herself kicking at the desk and cracking its wood. As Carlos pushed her down on its surface, she felt one of her high heels come off her foot and as Carlos withdrew his stained fingers from her mouth she threw her head back and fixed him with blazing blue green eyes.

"That all you can give me?"

It was a challenge and an invitation all in one. Scully fixing Carlos intently with an a****l stare equal to his own.

"That all you got?"

Carlos' next thrust nearly made her lose consciousness. As he laid her flat under him and literally mounted her on the desk, his naked sweat-streaming hips slapping so hard against her rippling cheeks, Dario started to walk towards them, his cock straining in his clenched fist as Carlos tried to reinforce his dominance over Scully.

"This enough for you? Huh? HUH???"

He yanked her top half up by her bra-strap, Scully's breasts bouncing hard in its confines as his merciless buggering of her continued, sweat making her cleavage glisten as it trailed down her body.

"Not nearly enough...." She hissed back at him. "You won't make me come like that...."


Carlos' body was almost a blur of motion against her now, crashing against her like a man possessed as Scully thrashed like a banshee, Dario reaching forward and tearing away her bra releasing her breasts which were dripping with sweat to bounce freely as Scully moved her hands back behind her to lock onto Carlos' buttocks, her fingernails digging hard into his flesh. Carlos tore away what there was of her skirt as he became a man consumed with primal lust.


She screamed back at him, all control lost as she began to push back against him returning the hard fucking he was giving her until he strained not to come. She could feel how much he was building towards climax by the tremors evident in his cock buried inside her and began to use her ass in a concerted effort to make him fill her. As she propelled herself back against him, her perspiration-soaked bottom filling the room with its primal slapping beat, Scully recounted the myriad of sexual encounters she had experienced in but a few short days and how quickly this underground world of sin and abandon had wrapped its cloak around her. She remembered the slow-burning sexual tension between her and Dixon that had flared since his original proposition to her at the bar in Provocation and culminated in an explosive session in a rain-soaked alley before continuing in her own bed. Her domination and teasing of Carlos in the private room at Provocation and the alley near it. Her torrid fucking by Lynette in room 17 and her rough and aggressive sex with the fiery Rocco as well as her subconscious memories of possibly other men penetrating her while she lay half-aware. All situations that, until this moment she found herself in now, she wouldn't have dared believe she would contemplate being involved in. But that now made her heart burn with a fire that threatened to consume her totally as she rode its heat and remembered each darkly erotic moment.

"Jesus christ...."

Carlos was fighting back the urge to ejaculate as Scully's ass moved back and forth on him, squeezing and massaging him. He dug his fingernails into the soft flesh of her rippling buttocks the same way she was digging hers into his flesh in an attempt to slow her down but he had unleashed the sexual b**st inside her. And as her naked body arched against him, the ourobourous on her back stretching out with her exertions, she drove his cock harder, wanting him to release inside her, to mark her as his whore. Because that's what she felt like in the cramped surroundings of this mock-up office in a dark and dangerous basement....not an FBI agent, or a doctor, or a mother.....just a whore.

A dirty whore that just wanted to get fucked.

"Do it...." she hissed back at him. "For god's sake, fill me!!"

Dario leaned over the desk and pulled her face to his for a searing hungry kiss and as they devoured each other, Scully almost tore Carlos apart as she jacked his cock mercilessly with her ass. She had surpassed the pain that her fucking had made her feel, now she embraced it as it became one with the intense pleasure flooding through her. Embraced it fully as she was pushed forward back flat onto the desk and Carlos lay flat atop her, his hips beginning to buck with the throes of pre-orgasm as he drove down in her to the hilt, Scully's scream becoming a strangled rasp as Dario forced his cock into her mouth. Only just resisting the impulse to bite down on the heavily-veined penis that rested on her tongue, she thrust her head forward and began to suck Dario hard as Carlos' strokes into her became crazed with the arrival of his climax, his fingers stabbing her frothing core bringing her close to her own. Her fellatio of Dario became just as frenzied as Carlos' fucking of her, Scully spitting and slurping all over the massive cock screwing her mouth, swallowing the serpent lining its hard flesh and allowing it into her body literally and figuratively.

"Oh god yes, Dana!" Dario hissed, bunching up her red hair and forcing his cock down her throat as far as she could take it. "Suck it like a whore! Suck it hard while Carlos makes that delicious ass of yours bleed!"

Scully struggled to accomodate Dario in her mouth and found herself on the verge of deep-throating him as Carlos' fingers hit her right on the spot that triggered her release. As she began to jerk spasmodically under Carlos and he threw back his flushed face in a booming a****l cry, he began to come inside her, his cock filling her with a deluge of warm pulsing semen that just didn't seem to stop as her own body was torn apart by her own untamed orgasm.

"You....fucking.....slut....." Carlos panted as Scully soaked his inner thighs and her mouth closed tight around Dario's cock as it too ejaculated, filling Scully's mouth with cum which she tried to gulp down like a hungry c***d, almost choking on it at the same time she was emitting a shrill half-scream. Dario cruelly held her on his pulsing cock enjoying her struggle to swallow and when his deluge had subsided began to fill Scully's mouth with another liquid that Scully shocked herself by drinking down too increasing the forbidden depravity of the session.

Carlos fell across Scully's shivering, trembling body as his own shook in post-climax tremor. As Dario withdrew his cock from Scully's mouth, her lips glistened with stringy semen that ran down her neck and ended up on the cold floor below.

"Marked good as the deviant bitch you are...." Dario smiled, stepping around her and wiping his twitching cock down the side of her face and in her red hair, enjoying staining her with the final spills from its reddened head. "There, that seals you as our slut, Dana...."

Scully lay, wincing sharply at the sensation of Carlos withdrawing his cock from her ass and enjoying the way his sweat-soaked body felt sticking to hers. Her body still burned with arousal as Carlos kissed the back of her neck and bit on her tender earlobe as he whispered in her ear.

"I knew you were a whore, Dana....and this is only the beginning of proving it to me...."

Carlos' promises of further sexual torments made Scully's heart quicken to the point where she felt it would burst out from her body. As Carlos slowly rose to his feet leaving a trail of sweat dripping down the contours of Scully's naked back, she lay stretched across the desk, her nipples hard as rock against its surface and her thighs marked with joint trails of her and Carlos' cum. Her ass felt like it had been engulfed by fire but she was in such a state of delirium that she welcomed its sting. Slowly, Dario reached down with his hand and placing it under her chin tilted her face up to him. His eyes raked over her with the look of a man who would take a lot to be satisfied.

"I think it's my turn to sample the delights you have to offer, Dana Scully." His hand gripped tighter on her chin as a dangerous light burned in his eyes. "I will be intrigued to see what your breaking point will be...."

As much as the rough encounter with Carlos had inflamed her, Scully truly trembled with barely controllable excitement at the thought of just what the wiry Italian would do to her. As potent and aggressive as Carlos' lusts for her were, Scully felt there was something even edgier about Dario. The artworks in his studio and lining the basement told her that. As focal a point as Carlos was in this secret twilight world, she sensed that Dario might indeed be the real power in it. And the thought of being naked before that power and being caught totally in its wake make Scully keep swallowing hard.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the low whisper of Carlos' voice.

"Why don't you take her into the other room, Dario?"

There was another room beyond this? Just how much was hidden down here, Scully pondered. It was like an endless trip into a sexual hell; a netherworld of pain and pleasure that just continued to reveal itself like the pieces of a chinese puzzle. And she truly felt as Dario helped her to her feet that each new room she entered she was further away from the life she lived above on the surface. Further into a world that had its hooks well and truly into her.


Scully felt Dario pushing her forward into more semi-darkness. As she tried to steady herself on her stockinged feet, she tried to peer into the blackness ahead and discern what was waiting for her. As her eyes accustomed to the gloom, she thought she could make out the glint of metal and a large rectangular shape half-filling the room but as she was ushered past whatever the object was she made out something small and white on the floor before her. As Dario snapped on the smallest of lights which barely illuminated the room they both stood in, Scully saw the small white object almost singly spotlighted before her, the rest of the room still shrouded in black. It was a mattress, slightly dirtied and bearing obvious traces of previous use due to the stains soaked into the material. As Scully excitedly pondered just what the stains were, she found Dario pushing her from behind to land hard on its surface face down. As she tried to compose herself, she felt Dario's weight leaning down on her as he crouched down sharply behind her, using one of his arms to press her back down into the mattress.

"You excite me with your appetite for danger, Dana..."

They were familiar words that sent an aroused charge right through her. Words she had heard before in the confines of a darkened movie booth mere days ago. Words that had made her hot when spoken to her friend and now made her core pool as they were spoken to her as she was rolled over onto her back to look up at Dario's intense eyes and the jewelled dagger he now held in his hand. Scully's dry mouth could form no words as he slowly moved the dagger to her face, her blue-green eyes bursting with apprehension as he traced the cold metal along the fullness of her lips and down her neck just like the stranger had done in the second movie Scully had watched with Lynette. His voice, thick with arousal, continued to speak words so very familiar as he continued to move the dagger down her body slowly, down the parting of her cleavage and across her breasts, stopping inches short of pricking her with its tip and lightly pressing it to the side of each engorged nipple as Scully breathed heavily.

"The thought you lie here willingly at my mercies when I could do absolutely anything to you and you could not stop me...."

Oh god, Scully thought. He's saying all the same things. Is he going to do all the same things too? The things she had done to her? Oh god.

Dario trailed the dagger along the inside of Scully's thighs, perilously close to where she was now streaming profusely.

"I could do anything, Dana....mark you with the cut of ownership, take your life during the act of know that, don't you?"

As he kept the blade inbetween Scully's thighs, she trembled inside as she knew the reply she had to give to him. The reply that would make it just like that movie that had got her so hot those few days ago. When it emerged, it was as husky and as whispered as Lynette's original.

"I know that...." Scully shivered as she said the words. "Your....bitch....knows that....."

The pleasure evident in Dario's face shone as he put the dagger slowly down beside the mattress. Taking slowly hold of her wrists in his strong hands, he slowly raised them above Scully's head and held them there until they began to bruise. Crawling over her, his taut body raised and cock powerfully erect and inches from her face, his eyes burned into hers with their dominance.

"You deserve a gift for your honesty, my whore....a very special gift...."

Scully knew what came next. Opening her mouth wide, she once again felt Dario's slickened cock entering between her stretched lips. Bracing herself as he held her in his iron grip, he pushed it further and further down her throat until Scully felt she simply couldn't breathe. Enjoying her struggles to accomodate him, Dario whispered to her.

"How long can you take me, Dana? How deep can you let me in? Show me, bitch, show me....."

The pressure on Scully's windpipe was formidable as Dario made her gag on his enormous cock. But instead of relinquishing it, he held it longer down her throat than she remembered the man in Lynette's movie had. She began to panic and buck under him but Dario held firm, his smile growing ever-wider, choking her with his serpent.

"Let's see how far I can push you, Dana...."

After what seemed an eternity, he pulled clear, Scully coughing up saliva and pre-cum as she gasped for breath.

"Not bad, Dana. Not bad." He still held her tight, enjoying the way her body felt under his. "You like that?"

Despite the intensity of what Dario had just subjected her to, despite her panic that things were going to go too far, Scully felt aflame inside. Her blue-green eyes fixed his as she regained her breath, her chin stained with a mixture of saliva and semen.



It was the only answer she could give to him. Despite hearing the question being asked once before, she wanted to give the same answer Lynette had given. She wanted to test her limits with this dangerous and unpredicatable man. She wanted it.

As Dario's cock once again filled her mouth and pushed deep, Scully's body arched under his as he proceeded to push it right to the back of her throat, making her cheeks bulge and her adam's apple strain, determined to take her right to the edge. He held her wrists even tighter as he kept his cock deep in her mouth until she was struggling for freedom. But Dario held firm, enjoying the way her body fought against him as he continued to solidly gag her.

"Not yet. Not yet."

Scully was bucking under him wildly, Dario pressing her down hard into the mattress and holding her.

"Not yet."

Just when she felt she would lose consciousness, Dario relented and pulled back his cock, making a torrent of semen and saliva spill forth from her coughing mouth as she gasped for air. As he let her regain her breathing, he slid down her body until she could feel how rigid his penis was pressed against her thigh. He brought his face close to hers until he could feel her breath on it.

"You impress me, Dana. I'm intrigued to see how far you can go...."

As his impressively erect cock pressed closer to her spilling opening, Scully was intrigued to see how far she could go herself. Never had she been so totally in the thrall of such dangerous and provocative sexual activity and it excited her more than she could have ever realised. As Dario pressed his lips to hers in a searing lustful kiss that Scully responded to in kind, she felt truly lost in this dark world, totally willing to be enveloped by it. When they finally seperated, Dario let loose a long trail of saliva that dripped into Scully's open mouth and which she savoured as she swallowed. Dario's eyes burned with lustful intent as he tightened his grip on her wrists, Scully enjoying the pain now.

"You want me, don't you?" he hissed as he pressed his forehead to hers, their eyes locked fiercely. He twisted her wrists cruelly to get her to answer.

"You want me. Say it."

Furthering his twisting of her wrists, her nipples erect against his tautly-muscled chest, Dario smiled as she finally told him what he wanted to hear.

"I want you."


"I want you."


"Real bad."

As he raised his hips to penetrate her, he lowered more spit into her open mouth.

"Ever since you first arrived at my studio, I knew there was so much lust inside you....caged....waiting to be I intend to release it to the full, my sweet redheaded whore...."

Scully's eyes were clouded with arousal.

"Do it then. Just do it."

The penetration was intense to say the least, Scully throwing back her head and screaming as Dario's cock tore into her pussy. There was no room for foreplay in this encounter. Neither party wanted it. It was just time to indulge in sexual savagery with no regrets and no limitations. Her stockinged legs spread wide either side of Dario's strained ones as he battered her into the mattress while still holding her arms high above her head. Sweat already spilling off him onto her flushed skin as her stomach undulated under his own and their skin became wet with perspiration. Dario hissing with each fevered slamming of Scully's body.

"Sweet whore. Sweet redheaded whore...."

"Your whore.....your whore.......mmmmmmmmmmmm........"

Scully finally appreciated the true joining of pleasure and pain as Dario fucked her hard on the mattress. Despite the searing discomfort of being filled once again so soon by aggressive stabbing cock, there was an undeniable burning feeling of unsurpassed satisfaction racing through her body as she submitted to his brutal sexual attack on her, the sex punctuated by desperate and unstable kisses as they became locked as one body in the throes of pure unadulterated coupling. They were truly like two a****ls claiming each other and so lost was Scully in Dario's body smothering hers in sweat and straining muscle, she barely registered when he pulled sharply out of her and rolled her onto her stomach. Panting heavily as Dario continued to hold her wrists above her head, a flustered Scully turned her head back confusedly to him, her red hair slick with sweat.

"What are you doing? Don't stop....."

"Just adding a refinement or two."

Scully gasped as Dario proceeded to lock her wrists down with a pair of heavy metal handcuffs, leaving them restrained hard above her head. Just the feel of the cold metal around them made Scully shake uncontrollably as she felt she had further cast herself into this forbidden world by being bound with them. There was truly no going back now. Behind her, she heard the sharp sniffing of Dario as if he was inhaling something. Straining her neck in trying to turn around and ascertain what he was doing, the answer became obvious when Dario pressed her back down and held one of his palms before her lined with a trail of white dust. Before Scully could even truly appreciate that Dario was offering her d**gs, possibly even cocaine, he brought his hand to her face and forced her to sniff the dust up her nostrils. Holding her face hard as she inhaled, he smiled a wide d**g-fuelled grin.

"I bet that was your first taste, Dana....amazing how much it intensifies things down here you'll find out..."

Scully's head spun as she began to feel the effects of the d**g enter her consciousness. She felt Dario part her buttocks and his mouth and tongue assaulting her asshole along with his strong wiry fingers. As she bucked hard at the intrusion and found her wrists pulling futilely on the cuffs in response, Scully found herself locking her teeth into the dirty covering of the mattress and biting hard as Dario prepared her for another inveitable anal pounding. Reaching forward and yanking her head back hard by her slickened hair, an action that made her pull her cuffed wrists fully taut before her, Dario's mouth hungrily covered Scully's, his tongue attacking hers as his other hand stroked his cock, wet with her essence, to the fullest hardness possible.

"Tell me where you want it." He hissed at her when their mouths seperated. "Beg for it there."

Scully hesitated for a second as the d**g continued to work its way through her, disorientating her.

"Tell me where you want it!"

Dario intensified his need for an answer by yanking so hard on Scully's hair she thought he was going to break her neck.



Another extremely hard yank on her hair. Scully felt tears spill from the corner of her eyes.

"In the ass!"

"Beg me!"

He twisted her hair so hard in his fist she felt her scalp burn.

"I'm begging you...."

"To do what? TO DO WHAT?"

"I'm begging you to fuck me! TO FUCK ME IN MY ASS! DO IT, YOU BASTARD!!"

Pushing her forward, he propelled his cock hard between her buttocks. It wasn't even a gradual motion. Just the full length of his cock instantly penetrating her ass. And the scream it made sound from Scully's mouth was the loudest one she'd ever uttered. As her wrists pulled the cuffs fully taut in response to the brutal invasion Dario was inflicting on her, his brought his strong hands down on them, holding them pressed to the edge of the mattress, her arms flat above her head, as his voice hissed in her ear.

"I'll give you what you want..."

He pulled back and then slammed forward with all his aggressive might into Scully's ass once more, her body jerking spasmodically under his. He felt Scully's desire to push back against him with her bound hands, to get him to ease up on her, and it made him hold her cuffed wrists tighter. Dario's teeth locked into her earlobe til they left visible marks.

"No, you don't stop once you start....that's the rule of this see it the end...."

Scully felt dizzy and disorientated as Dario continued to pull back and slam forward in her, taking the breath from her body. His voice was a decadent hoarse whisper in her ear as he made her roughly submit to him, his hips almost sticking to her sweat-trickling buttocks as he drove himself into her pinned body.

"I love your tattoo, Dana....I didn't know you had one too...I'd love to know when and where you got it...will you tell me?"

He gave a particularly savage thrust into her, making her lock her teeth into the stained mattress, her a****l moan mumbled into the fabric.

"Will you tell me?"

He yanked her head back, one hand tight around her throat as she gasped in his grip, her eyes fluttering.

"A one night stand....I had....a one night stand...."


Dario licked his tongue down the side of Scully's face as his cock buried itself deeper in her asshole, her teeth gritting hard at the impact.

"Not something that daring for you now....especially as you've had sex with at least five men in little over a week...dirty unprotected sex, you little whore...."

Scully's mind reeled as she recounted the facts presented to her and even through the buzz of the d**g working through her and her own sexual delirium, part of her still couldn't believe what Dario had stated had really happened. Unprotected sex with five men and mostly anal sex too. Risky. Dangerous. Edgy. And wasn't that why she'd done it? Why she'd refused her usual protection? To make it that much more riskier, edgier and dangerous? To do something no-one who possibly knew her well would ever even contemplate her doing?


And then of course there had been Lynette "fucking" her too....

"How many more men will you fuck before the next week is over?"

Scully's stomach turned over with lustful abandon at just the thought of pondering what Dario hinted at. She remembered the sight she'd seen during her visit to Dominion of the young chinese girl crawling along the line of men, sucking each of their cocks in turn until she became lost in a sea of male bodies all wanting the hardest intercourse possible with her. Scully once again imagined herself taking the place of the chinese girl, taking each swollen cock that was offered to her and devouring them between her lips, sucking them hard until they exploded down her throat and gulping down the considerable deluge of semen each one offered. She imagined herself lost in sweat and forbidden ecstasy as pumping male bodies laid claim to hers in the middle of the naked circle, penetrating her endlessly in different ways, sometimes one, sometimes two cocks in her from either side. Her entire body flushed hard under Dario's straining one as her thoughts drowned in every forbidden fantasy she could possibly imagine. It took the realisation that there was another presence in the room to snap Scully out of her debauched dreaming.

"Oh my god, Dana..."

It was a familiar female voice, shaky with obvious excitement. And as Scully slowly raised her head to behold the woman standing before her and Dario in the shadows around them, she saw her friend Lynette dressed in a provocative ensemble of black stockings, suspenders, high-heels and wrap-around leather boob tube which barely contained her formidable breasts straining hard against the material. Her long blonde hair was pinned up with several sensual wisps trailing down across the side of her face and back of her neck and her lipstick was heavily applied and slut-red in its intensity. As Dario beheld her as well, he increased the thrusts of his massive cock into Scully with a large lustful smile twisting his features. Lynette's eyes were wide and equally filled with lust as she watched the continued a****l sodomising of her redheaded colleague.

"I knew you wanted what's on offer here in this world. I knew it burned inside of you...." Lynette's voice was thick with arousal as she walked closer to the duo. "Do you know how fucking hot you look right now with Dario inside you?" She slowly crouched down on her haunches, inches from Scully's face, her legs spread out either side of it and her eyes burning into Scully's own. "Do You?"

For a moment, through the delirium of the d**gs in her system and the considerable fucking she was receiving, Lynette's presence in front of her produced a dim memory of what had brought Scully here to this building in the first place. Concern that her friend might have been implicated in a killing in New York and anger that the truth had been kept from her only to discover it was a deception and another part of the games played in this dark decadent world. But as Dario's cock continued its aggressive pounding in her, the memory faded and all she could think about was the smell of arousal she could detect from her friend crouching so close and how she could see the wet stain that arousal was producing spilling through the fabric of the black panties Lynette wore. The sight made the memory of why she came here seem a million miles away.

"I'm glad you're here, Lynette...." Dario panted behind Scully as he slammed down into her. "Your friend is everything I knew she would be....everything I felt she would be....she feels so good gripping onto my cock like the whore she is deep inside....I'm glad you're here to see what a whore she can be...."

"So am I...."

Lynette's voice was a shaky whisper as she began to slide her panties down her crouching thighs revealing her pooling core to her handcuffed friend's gaze. As she completely removed her panties, Lynette looked deep into Scully's eyes and then back at Dario and with just a look told him what she was about to do. Dario brought Scully's head back with another hard yank on her red hair and hissed in her ear as her wrists locked the cuffs tight before her.

"Open your mouth, slut."

As Scully willingly did as she was bid, she felt a rush of a****l excitement as Lynette pushed the ball of her screwed-up wet panties into her mouth. As Scully's heart raced at the taste of Lynette on the material leaking onto her tongue, Dario began to hit her ass with even more aggressive determination and soon Scully was bucking under him, her muffled screams and cries through the panties spurring the dangerous man to really sexually punish her as Lynette ran her fingers lovingly through Scully's hair and she brought her lips to the side of Scully's face, trailing her tongue down the side of it just as Dario had done previously. Prising open Scully's lips with her own, Lynette's teeth locked into the saliva-soaked panties and pulled on them so that they were stretched with a torrid tension between the two women as Scully's sodomy reached new levels of painful pleasure. It became a frenzied tug of war between the women as Dario pounded Scully like he had no other woman, the fabric slowly tearing as it was pulled on harder and harder, almost symbolic considering the walls of Scully's soul that were slowly crumbling in this dark evocative place.

"Jesus...." Dario's face was strained with the effort of his anal attack on Scully and as he felt the beginnings of an inevitable orgasm building in him, he pressed his head to the side of Scully's, his voice a hoarse unsteady whisper in her ear. "You are so right for this world, Dana....already you have excited me like few other women have and when I think about the possibilities of what you will do..." He bit hard on her ear lobe making the panties come close to ripping completely. "I loved feeling your hot lips sucking on me in the other room....and you swallowing hard what I had to give you....and what you did after I came in your mouth REALLY excited me....would you do such a thing again? Tell me, Dana....."

The panties finally tore in half giving Dario the answer he craved.


Dario pressed Scully hard down into the mattress as he began to violently ejaculate in her, his arms raised and holding down her cuffed ones as he jerked hard against her sodden buttocks, his voice screaming like a wild wolf as he poured his lust into her body. Lynette watched in glee, her fingers inside herself as he pulled from her noisily making Scully exhale sharply and brought his still-dripping cock around to her face. Pulling up her flushed head, he pushed his stained cock hard between her lips making her have no choice but to close them around him as he pulsed his final bursts of semen.

"Taste your ass on me, Dana. Taste what I just fucked."

The fobidden nature of what she was doing made Scully slip further into the crazed sexual delirium she was feeling and that was reinforced when Dario began to leak another liquid into her mouth once more. This time she drank it down in abandon.


Dario held her head on his groin savouring the efforts of Scully to swallow down as much of his other release as she could until he finally pulled away, his cock dripping with it and the residual semen and saliva caking it. Scully's eyes burned as they looked up at him and Lynette who was still masturbating, almost rolling in their sockets such was the hunger that had been tapped in her.

"You want more, don't you, Dana?" Dario's eyes savoured the cuffed redheaded creature before him and the clear desire radiating from every pore of her naked body. Scully's reply was almost a snarl.

"Yes. I want more."

Picked up and carried between Lynette and Dario, Scully could barely stand, her wrists were still cuffed in front of her and her body was flushed with sweat as she was moved to another corner of the room and a series of chains hanging down from the ceiling that reminded Scully in her hazy state of being back at the Dominion club as they were partly illuminated by Dario snapping on another small light. As Lynette moved to the side of the room and sat in a high-backed chair opposite her, Scully found her wrists being uncuffed as she tried desperately to balance. As the handcuffs hit the hard floor with a resounding clack, Dario pushed Scully backwards, making her collide with another brick-lined wall behind her. Pressing his wiry body against hers, Dario pulled her face to his and shared a searing kiss that took Scully's breath away. Lynette watched them swapping tongues in a heated tango, reaching up for her boob tube and pulling it down to reveal her shapely breasts whose nipples were now adorned with metal rings in them. As she began to tweak them in her hands, Dario pulled his mouth from Scully's, spit travelling with it in a stringy line and looked across at Lynette fondling herself. He became aware of Scully's reaction to the sight and turned to her smiling, his hands taking hold of Scully's own breasts and twisting the nipples until she gasped.

"I'd love to pierce these." He hissed, his eyes clouding with dark lust.

"I'd let you." Scully's voice shook with barely-containable desire as she felt Dario's cock hardening against her inner thigh. "I'd let you do anything to me."

Dario's eyes opened wide. Despite his vindication of what he had always believed to burn in Scully's hidden depths, even he was taken aback slightly by how far she'd come so quickly into this world.

"Anything?" he asked of her, reaching around and grasping the contours of her shapely ass.

"Anything." Scully whispered and she meant it like nothing else. Never before had she travelled so deep into decadent desires she now knew were a part of her. She had a dark side that needed to be sated and standing in this basement where so much forbidden pleasure was on offer, she knew it was possible to satisfy every dark desire she'd ever had. It was an intoxicating feeling and it wasn't just because of the d**gs she had been made to inhale. It was a choice only heightened to a new level by them.


She found her arms being raised above her head and once again she was being chained. In fact, she was grateful for the tension of being supported, despite its ache for she felt certain after the double pounding she'd received from Carlos and Dario she wouldn't have the strength to keep on her feet. Though she did ponder what was coming next and whether she'd possibly be able to endure it. She really wanted to. As she was finally and ultimately snapped into bondage, she became aware of another presence entering the room and saw Carlos walking towards her and Dario, stroking a considerable erection between his toned and muscular thighs. As he passed Lynette, she looked up at him.

"Carlos, I hope I can get to play with her soon. She's so beautiful standing there."

"Soon." Carlos growled. "Just sit back and enjoy the show for now."

As Lynette resumed her provocative touching of her own body, Carlos reached the bound Scully and re-introduced himself by yanking back her head hard by the hair and boring his grey eyes into hers.

"Are you sure you want to remain here, Dana?" he asked of her, feeling the trembling coursing through every inch of her. "Can you take what we still have to give you?"

"I will take it anyway, won't I?" Scully replied in a deliciously and darkly erotic smile.

"Jesus Christ, yes you will, girl!" Carlos smiled, letting go of her head and slowly walking around to stand behind her. As Dario's eyes fixed on her, Scully felt Carlos' excited breath running down her naked spine and tensed herself in the chains apprehensively as his voice continued to wash over her.

"You know the rules very well. And you play them well too."

"Indeed she does." Dario was stroking himself to an even fuller hardness, the movement of his hand on his massive cock almost hypnotising Scully as she felt Carlos' hands begin to part her cheeks behind her, the sensation making her arch in her bindings.

"Oh my god."

Carlos' tongue ran up between her cheeks and soon he was burying it inside her tender ass making Scully cry out at an intrusion which was on one hand producing discomfort in her battered hole and at the same time giving her forbidden pleasure she couldn't describe. As he flicked it and worked it in Scully's asshole, she twisted in her chains, her responses making Dario's cock continue to swell to mammoth proportions as he worked it and making Lynette pull hard on her pierced breasts and burning clit as she sat legs spread wide opposite them, digging her high heels into the cold floor. It was a situation that Scully had never in her most provocative fantasies ever entertained she would be in but standing chained between two men whose obvious a****l lust for her inflamed her to new heights of want and across from a friend she had recently discovered lusted for her just as much, Scully felt lost and yet secure. Secure in release of her basest desires and wanting still to test herself to see how far she could truly go.

When Dario knelt before her and parted her thighs, she threw her head back as his strong fingers opened out her spilling centre and he locked his mouth to it. As he began to probe her pussy relentlessly with his tongue and lips at the same time Carlos was feasting on her ass behind her, Scully shook wildly at the feeling of both of her holes being plundered so greedily at the same time. And as the sounds the men were making as they eat and drank her filled her ears, her mind was afire with the possible reason they were both here with her and her whole frame trembled uncontrollably as she mentally entertained something she couldn't wait to feel be done to her at the same time she couldn't believe just how such a thing could possibly feel.

As both men continued a steady rythmn with their tongues, Scully squirmed in her bindings, the wet sounds of her plundering matching Lynette's own as she ruthlessly mauled her pierced breasts and burning pussy.

"Oh yes, Dana. Surrender to it. They'll make you feel so good, baby. So good."

After what seemed a pleasurable eternity during which Scully felt on the edge of a searing orgasm several times, both men withdrew from her and straightened up either side of her. Her heart smashed against her petite ribcage as they moved in together against her sweat-streaming naked body and soon her breasts were crushed up against Dario's strong muscled chest at the same time Carlos' hips were almost stuck to her perspiration soaked buttocks. Dario's eyes were inches from her, drinking all the need and want she was sending him. One word escaped her breathless lips.


"Are you sure?" Dario's voice was an aroused rasp, his erection throbbing uncontrollably inches from where Scully felt herself streaming already.


Scully closed her eyes tight as both men positioned themselves to penetrate her, thinking that the sensation of that first joint penetration would be even more powerful if she didn't know the exact moment it would happen. As she pulled on her bindings in panting apprehension, she gave out a loud long gasp as she felt both cocks begin to fill her, burning their entrances into her pussy and ass respectively.


Scully threw her head back, eyes still shut tight and teeth fiercely gritted as this overwhelming new pleasure ripped through her being. She simply couldn't believe how incredible this sensation of being doubly penetrated felt and how incredibly full she felt of cock as it began to jointly pump in and out of her. The pain of her relentless previous poundings was still with her but it had transcended into a new feeling. She had begun to enjoy the sting that being fucked repeatedly left on her body and was embracing it more and more. And as Dario and Carlos continued to drive their admirably sustained erections in and out of her, Scully wondered just how they could stay so hard and rampant time after time. She just knew one thing for now. She was glad they could.

Dario tangled his fingers in Scully's hair and yanked her head forward. As her watery eyes opened to find his staring at her, she saw the total a****l lust that caked his face as he drove into her again and again, the force of his cock making her tremble, buck and shiver along with Carlos' which was slamming aggressively between her full buttocks behind her.

"You've never had this done to you before, have you?" Dario hissed, his fingers twisting her hair harder, as sweat dripped off her bouncing breasts.

"No. Neverr....." Scully could barely form sentences such was the impact of Dario and Carlos' joint assault on her, punctuated by the fevered and frenetic sounds of Lynette's masturbation as she watched the a****listic coupling. Both male bodies pressed harder into her slickened flesh as the fucking began to increase in intensity, her ass almost sticking solidly to Carlos' hips as he continued to drive against her from behind, enjoying the way she rippled and shimmied against him. Scully's nipples were hard and ferociously aroused and pressing forecfully into Dario's chest as she tried to move her head down to bite into the skin of his shoulder to stifle the scream she felt was soon going to be drawn from her lungs. But Dario intercepted her and as his cock ripped into her pussy he held her by her hair inches from his face, delighting in the expressions of pain and pleasure that contorted her features.

"I bet you have a lot of dark and dirty little fantasies in your heart, Dana.....I would just love to bring them to life for you...."

As he held her tight, Scully fixed him with her swimming blue green eyes.

" could?"

"I just bet most of them are so deviant, so forbidden, so nasty I'm sure I could....A conservative looking bitch like you would love getting down and dirty and doing things people just couldn't even imagine her doing...." He reached forward and twisted her hardened nipples until Scully shook in fevered rapture. "I'm right, aren't I, Dana?" He pressed his head to the side of hers as he continued to soak his cock in her swollen canal, biting into her ear-lobe until Scully gave a pleasured shriek. "Tell me one of your fantasies while you get fucked, Dana....."

Carlos was grunting behind Scully, Dario's prompting of her to relate her darkest desires driving him on to batter her ass more until he was certain he could feel traces of blood on his cock.

"I'm in a backroom....." Scully tried desperately to form words as she was buffeted between the two men. "Full of men.....all naked....hungry.....hardddd..."

Dario bit harder into her ear, drove his cock faster and more intensely into her dripping pussy.


Scully's words became hissed whispered decadent admissions fucked out of her by two aggressive and dominant men.

"I'm start with.....professional clothes......"


"I don't know why I'm there....I don't know why they are...."


"I just know I wanna....walk through them.....have their hands running all over my I do...."

"Oh, more, goddammit....more!"

"Every so often....snagging my clothing....removing parts of it.....their hard cocks....touching parts of the fabric....staining it....."


Both men were pounding her full-pelt now, all three bodies caked in running sweat as Lynette plundered herself more at the spectacle, enjoying Scully's confession just as much.

"Stains...on my excites professional clothes....being....marked....being....removed....god....being....touched by every single man in the room....and not just...." She arched hard as Dario's cock hit a particularly sensitive point in her. "Uuuuuuuuhhhh!!! Not just....not just....uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh......and not just....touched....."

Carlos was tearing her ass apart as Dario continued to pull her close, his own cock so deep in her and detecting the first signs of pre-orgasm in her tiny body.

"Not just touched? What else could they do to you?" He held her face away and slapped it hard, Scully actually enjoying the stinging of her struck skin.
"What else? Tell!"

"I want their me....everywhere....they they can.....fuck....I want to be fucked by all of that what you want to hear, you fucking....bastard? Is that......uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh that..........dirtttttttty enough.........uuuuuuuuuh for you.........???"

Her tension on her chained wrists was pronounced now as all three bodies sped towards an obvious climax, both men's balls slapping hard against Scully from either end as Dario finally allowed her head to fall forward and her teeth to lock into his shoulder and bite.

"My.....stained....clothes....all....over the"

As she bit deeper into Dario's shoulder, both men slammed the hardest yet into her and she began to buck in a****listic orgasm as she felt their semen burst inside her, the two stallions grunting and screaming as they unloaded all their violent lusts into Scully's pussy and ass while she creamed and squirted against them both like an untamed creature, milking them both until they were drained with her erratic ministrations.
Published by gillianbanger
5 years ago
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