The night of temptation

The night of temptation

The night of food teasing…

Well it is the start of the new year and that means all the plumped up women are hitting the gym again to try and slim down for the new year. I hate it but I enjoy it. I hate it because that means a bunch of people are trying their hand at the gym and have no idea what they are doing, but I also love it because I love to watch them struggle and ultimately fail! Hehe! I am such a bitch! After work I took a nice drive down to the local gas station and got 2 slices of cheesecake, a fruit bowl and a soda. I then went to Dominos and picked up a pizza that I ordered, a large bacon!! I then headed into the gym… and there they were! 3 chubby women looking completely miserable trying to workout! All their fat over hanging their now too tight yoga pants, their butts bulging out, thick thighs rubbing together and of course their fat bellies bouncing with every step! I love the look of utter disgust on their faces as their bodies are screaming at them, what are you doing you hog!? I want a double cheeseburger, fries and ice cream now, that this BS! Hehe. I stripped down into my comfy leggings, socks and undershirt taking all my food in with me! There I grabbed a seat on a comfy chair in the lounge area and began gorging myself! I ate like a greedy hog and as the women left one by one they looked down at the pizza, their eyes growing wide. I said I am not going to eat all of this! And the one said oh you probably could. Hehe! I only hope she went home and stuffed herself silly because of my temptation! When I had finally finished I ended up eating 6 slices total, 2 slices of cheese cake and downing a fruit bolw. I was bloated and my stomach was completely distended! I attempted to lift weights but karma is bitch and halfway through the workout I just gave up and left! I was too bloated, my stomach hurt, I was burping and farting loudly and struggling to even finish stretching. I was so excited by all this that I went home and had some alone time and then crashed…. All the next day I was hungrier then ever and I ate like a total hog all day. Work was a fart fest like I have never experienced, but I needed to release all that built up pressure that had mounted!! Who knows what the next stuffing will have in store…

Copyright 2018 - Ashley J.
5 years ago
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