A new trend on Xhamster. This video need a passwor

A new trend on Xhamster. This video need a passwor

Have you noticed all that vids with passwords ? Have you noticed all these profiles accessible only for friends? Can you imagine that : All the vids are passworded and are accessible only for a few!

The question is about SHARING . xHamster is a sharing community, in which the content is generated by the members of that community who would like to SHARE.

From another standing point the process is you watch a vid, you find it interesting, you vote and go to the profile to invite to friends. You invite to friends because you saw a vid or pic of a member. How would you do with a passworded vid?

Nobody will tell your Mom that you've put filthy material on xHamster, simply because you can pretend to be whoever you want to be.Unless you are confident enough to tell the world "Here I am".
Published by gapedanal91
12 years ago
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Have a look to following. It works!!!
The only thing you canot see is their profile itself!
Have a look at this post. Somebody not happy neither found a little trick.... and it works perfectly.
The only thing you canot see is their profile itself!
I agree absolutely with you. When you publish something on a site as this one, it is not to hide it! If I do not want something to be seen in public, I will not upload it!
I find this a feature which should not exist.
I agree it is annoying, but I understand it.
Some people are really scared that people they know reallife find their nude pictures and sexvideos. So they make their profile accessable only for friends.
But even when your profile is private, your pictures and videos are still shown on the frontpage, and people who know about the directlinks to your galleries can easily see the stuff. And steal it. So if you really want to have control over your own content you have to put a password on it. And then you have to hope that your decisiion with whom to share the password was right and wise.
I personally think it gives the users a false feeling of savety, but some people want just that.
je suis bien d'accord avec toi, c'est absurde toutes ces limitations... tout ça c'est sans doute parce que la plupart éprouvent un certain plaisir, plus ou moins conscient, à imposer de la frustration... ces prétendues femmes lesbiennes qui ne permettent l'accès qu'aux femmes, ces travestis qui limitent l'accès aux travestis et aux "vraies" femmes en prétendant que les "vrais" hommes ne les intéressent pas (les menteuses !)... quel narcissisme !...