I am an epitome of Sensuality

I am an epitome of Sensuality

I fall in love, everyday with a new person, with a new place, with a new thing. I live my life, setting up situations that will eventually lead to the phrase; “And then laughter and whole lotta love ensued”

I sit here spending my days of separation (from you) by building castles with sand soaked in tears. Brooding in loss I long for your presence.

Men like you, come to play, wrapped in pretty paper and ribbon, with prospect of promises and lies. Play the game to unravel the mysteries lurking inside. TRICK or TREAT? They all say. It’s like asking to choose between Happiness or Joy. I choose Joy instead.

I remain a magnet to the metals of men; - an epitome of Sexuality and Sensuality. There is no sexual ambiguity in my cause, that daresay allows mild sodomy after he has wooed me with his flagrant display of romantic aficionado.

And you would ask me the inevitable question; Why am I here? And I say………. I seek a diamond in darkest of places. If you are one, you will know how to level with me. For the rest, don’t even bother.

Published by Mehak4love
2 months ago
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