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This a fixing of my previously very messed up post. And sorry I suck at telling jokes but you get the jest of it.
There were three nurses that hadn't been laid in a really long time cuz they were all too busy with work. Well, one of the times they were bringing a body to the morgue they notice a kinda tent on the mid section so they get curious and decide to peak. When they do they realize he's extremely cute so they began to discuss it. After much debate they agree that they would all fuck him before they bring him in. The first gets on, does her thing, gets off, and moves aside. Second does the same. Well they wait and the third is just standing there so they both ask, "what are you waiting for? You said you would too." She nervously mumbles, "I'm on my period." The other two laugh and tell her "He's dead, he doesn't care and neither do we." So she decides to do it. She gets on, starts doing her thing and the man gasps and sits up. The three nurses scream and cower away saying, "w-we thought you were dead!" The man stands up and says "I was but after three jump starts and a blood transfusion I'm alive and kickin!"

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-28 17:22:34
فديوسكسي عربي

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-02 23:45:19
Well, well! That was awesome.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-02 23:43:48
Well, well! That was awesome.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-15 00:35:00
Videos de niñas que pierden su virginidad

anonymous readerReport 

2012-08-14 23:19:36

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