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Comments from PluSizePussi

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-08 10:09:41 I want to fuck my daddy I know I'm late but...for those who were truly leaving helpful tips...thank you....others with the race card...kiss my black ass....I dont need to go back to school...I GRADUATED wit yo did I waste paper...isnt this online???.....I sooo didnt think people took this so serious but I can respect most of writing skills are there but I was using a cell phone whn I did tht and just threw what I did out and didnt have a clue what I was doing nor how to post,format,whatever correctly....will I write again....YEP...will I take my time n make sure its correctly written...YEP....*you DO NOT have to read anything from me...I will not lose sleep...*quit my day job?... didnt know I could get paid frm xnxx...*relax its hella stories...dnt like dnt continue to thts fucking stupid
2016-06-09 22:50:13 I want to fuck my daddy Ctfu man y'all can go in like I'm gettin paid for this...I was laying on the couch at my dads house. On a damn cell phone I didn't kno wtf I was doin...y'all piss fucks beating ur meat at the office desk.Education..I got mine.....
2016-06-09 22:51:34 I want to fuck my daddy I damn sho yep sho ain't YEP AINT bout to turn into Shakespeare cuz I want to share I want to fuck my daddy when I do decide to use my laptop.. Thn I will those tht kno a kid got it in her...let's bust nuts together...ctfu
2016-06-09 22:53:21 I want to fuck my daddy I DID THIS OFF MY PHONE TOO LMAO. ALL ERRORS CAN GO UP YO MOMMAS ASS
2016-06-09 22:56:53 I want to fuck my daddy I can spell too so stop with the extra shit...I admit using my cell phone was silly cuz I'm use to short handing shit and I didn't nor don't care lol